
  • Streaming codes for 3 node relay networks under burst erasures. ISIT 2024 Slides

  • On Two-way generalization of a burst erasure correcting code. JTG 2024 Slides

  • On the Performance Analysis of Streaming Codes over the Gilbert-Elliott Channel. ITW 2021 Slides

  • Tutorial on Streaming Codes: NCC 2021 Slides

  • Explicit Rate-Optimal Streaming Codes with Smaller Field Size ISIT 2021 Slides

  • Codes for distributed storage, private information retrieval and low-latency streaming. PhD Thesis Defence 2020 Slides

  • Streaming Codes for Low-Latency Communication. QINF 2020

  • Codes for Distributed Storage: Theory and Practice. STCS Symposium, TIFR 2020 Slides

  • Backtracking and Look-Ahead Decoding Algorithms for Polar Codes. ISIT 2019 Slides

  • Explicit MSR codes with smallest sub-packetization for \(d=k+1, k+2, k+3\). ISIT 2018 Slides

  • Clay codes: Moulding MDS codes to generate MSR codes. USENIX FAST 2018 Slides

  • Shortened Reed Muller Codes for Private Information Retrieval: ISIT 2017 Slides