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Ashok Kumar Pandey
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. |
About Students Vehicle Dynamics Lab SenAct Lab Teaching Awards Photos & Links IITH ME
Book Series
Editors: Ashok Kumar Pandey, Maryam Shojaei Baghini, Gondi Kondaiah Ananthasuresh, "Book Title:Proceedings of ISSS International Conference on Micro, Nano, and Smart Systems. IC-MNSS 2024, IISc Bengaluru, India, Series Title: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering", Vol XII, 252 Pages, 2025, Springer, Singapore, DOI .
Editors: Duc-Nam Nguyen, Ngoc Dang Khoa Tran, Van Tuan Huynh, Takahito Ono, Van Hieu Nguyen, Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Book Title:Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2024, Series Title: Mechanisms and Machine Science", Vol 177, Pages, May 2025, Springer, Chem, DOI .
Editors: Ashok Kumar Pandey, Prem Pal, Nagahanumaiah, Lena Zentner, "Book Title:Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2022, Series Title: Mechanisms and Machine Science", Vol 126, 1-364 Pages, 2023, Springer, Chem, DOI .
Book Chapters/Conference Proceedings
N. Dwivedi, S. K. Jujjuvarapu, and A. K. Pandey,"Thermoelastic Damping in a Perforated MEMS Resonator," Chapter 24, In: R. S. Kumar et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Machines, Mechanisms,
Materials and Design, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2024, Springer, Singapore ; DOI ; PDF
Vaibhav Dhar Dwivedi, Vanka Sridhar, Raghavendra Gattu, Ahmed Abuheiba, Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Raja Banerjee, "Heat Transfer Analysis in Phase Changing Material Heat Exchanger by Hybrid Finite Difference Method," Proceedings of the 9th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC)
April, 21-24, 2024, Corvallis, OR, USA TFEC-2024-50725, pages 1469-1478, 2024 ; DOI ; PDF
E. K. Vivek, A. K. Pandey, C. Veera Sesha Kumar, and S. S. Kulkarni,
"Dynamic Characterization of an Elastomer Pad for Vibration Isolation," Chapter 15, In: Kumari, P., Dwivedy, S.K. (eds) Recent Advances in Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures. ACMFMS 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 23 August 2024, Springer, Singapore ; DOI ; PDF
S. K. Jujjuvarapu and A. K. Pandey,
"Design and Modeling of Differential Capacitive Hexagonal Beam Based MEMS Accelerometer," 2024 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), Dresden, Germany, pp. 1-6, 2024, ; DOI ; PDF
V. D. Dwivedi*, A. K. Mishra*, N. Jani, P. K. Menon, and A. K. Pandey,
"Closed Loop Sense Feedback Control for a Dual Proof Mass MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope," 2024 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), Dresden, Germany, pp. 1-6, 2024, ; DOI ; PDF
N. Jani, P. K. Menon, and A. K. Pandey,
"Optimization and analysis of a closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with enhanced bandwidth," Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), Goa, India, pp. 1-4, 2024, ; DOI ; PDF
S. K. Jujjuvarapu and A. K. Pandey,
"Design and modeling of curved beam based differential capacitive MEMS accelerometer," Proceedings of 2024 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), Goa, India, pp. 1-4, 2024, ; DOI ; PDF
Gyan Wrat, Lalsingh Devsoth, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Experimental analysis of non-uniform cantilever beam in fluid with variable depth," Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023 ; DOI ; PDF
Lalsingh Devsoth, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Forces in an Array of Shape-Morphed Cantilever Beams," Chapter 18, In: Pandey, A.K., Pal, P., Nagahanumaiah, Zentner, L. (eds) Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science,, vol 126, pp. 232–243, 2023, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF
Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, Indrasena Reddy Erravelly, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Frequency Analysis of Microbeam with Axial Pretension Using MSGT," Chapter 15, In: Pandey, A.K., Pal, P., Nagahanumaiah, Zentner, L. (eds) Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science,, vol 126, pp. 191-214, 2023, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF
Rakesha Chandra Dash, Rakesh Tirupathi, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Parametric Tuning of Natural Frequencies of Tuning Fork Gyroscope," Chapter 12, In: Pandey, A.K., Pal, P., Nagahanumaiah, Zentner, L. (eds) Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science,, vol 126, pp. 162-171, 2023, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF
Nikul Jani, Mithlesh Kumar, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Different Beam Configurations for Compliant Mechanism-Based MEMS Accelerometer," Chapter 8, In: Pandey, A.K., Pal, P., Nagahanumaiah, Zentner, L. (eds) Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science,, vol 126, pp. 119–135, 2023, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF
Mithlesh Kumar, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Study of Curved Beam Based Displacement Amplifying Compliant Mechanism for Accelerometer Design," Chapter 6, In: Pandey, A.K., Pal, P., Nagahanumaiah, Zentner, L. (eds) Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms. MAMM 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science,, vol 126, pp. 77-93, 2023, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF .
K. P. Sibivivek and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Dynamic Analysis of 3D Printed Polylactic Acid (PLA) Bolted Joint Beams," (In Press),Chapter 29, In: T. Tadepalli and V. Narayanamurthy (eds.), Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics,
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF .
Sunrit Samanta and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Electromechanical Modelling of Ring Type of MEMS Gyroscopes," (In Press),Chapter 35, In: T. Tadepalli and V. Narayanamurthy (eds.), Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics,
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF .
Sivakoteswararao Ikkurthi, Priyank Prakash, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Analysis of Half-Car Model with Nonlinear Damping under Sinusoidal Road Excitation," Chapter 16, In: W. Lacarbonara et al. (eds.), Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics, NODYCON
Conference Proceedings Series, pp. 173-183, 2022, Springer Publication ; DOI ; PDF .
Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Iwan Model for Bolted Joint with Residual Macroslip Stiffness and Pinning," Chapter 29, In: Kumar R., Chauhan V.S., Talha M., Pathak H. (eds), Machines, Mechanism and Robotics, Lect. Notes Mechanical Engineering,pp. 311-318, 2021, Springer Publication, Singapore, First Online: 22 July 2021 ; DOI ; PDF .
G. Vamsi Krishna, C. Viswanath and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Performance of Bolted Joint Modelling Using Master Element," In: Rao J.S., Arun Kumar V., Jana S. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. pp 595-605 2021 ; DOI
; PDF .
Journal Publications (Vehicle/Structural Dynamics)
Prabhat Ranjan, K.P. Sibivivek, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Dynamic characterization of 3D printed bolted joints," Tribology International, Volume 187,
108762, 11 Pages,September 2023, ; DOI
; PDF .
Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Experimental characterization and parameter identification of bolted joints under vibratory loading," Tribology International, Volume 186,
108636, 11 Pages,August 2023, ; DOI
; PDF .
Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Effect of misaligned plates and varying interfacial area on bolted structures," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Volume 233,
107640, 12 pages, 2022, ; DOI
; PDF .
Aashish Shaju and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Modeling transient response using PAC 2002 based tire model," Vehicle System Dynamics:International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility Volume 60(1), 2022, pp. 20-46 ; DOI
; PDF .
Nagesh Kumar Sahu, Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Nonlinear analysis of bolted joint using single degree of freedom model," Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 3, August - September 2021 pp. 194-199, ; DOI
; PDF .
Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Modeling of pinning phenomenon in Iwan model for bolted joint", Tribology International, Volume 161, 107071, September 2021, ; DOI
; PDF .
Aakash Swami, Chao Liu, Jan Kubenz, Günther Prokop, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Experimental Study on Tire Contact Patch Characteristics for Vehicle Handling with Enhanced Optical Measuring System", SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH, Volume 5, Issue 3, April 2021, Article ID: 10-05-03-0023, DOI: 10.4271/10-05-03-0023 ; DOI
; PDF .
Aakash Swami and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Vibration analysis of a tire under static loading using flexible ring based model," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 143(1): 011007 (11 Pages), Feb 2021 ; DOI
; PDF .
Shantanu R. Gaikwad and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinear Analysis of Shape Memory Devices with Duffing and Quadratic Oscillators," ASME Journal of Coumputation and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 011003-1-8, Jan 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Bibin S and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "A hybrid approach to model the temperature effect in tire forces and moments," SAE Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems Vol 10, No. 1, 2017 ; DOI
; PDF .
Bimal Purohit, Prakash Chand Jain and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Modal Analysis of Monolithic and Jointed type Cantilever Beams with Non-Uniform Section," Experimental Mechanics. 56(6), 1083-1094 (2016) ; DOI
; PDF .
Journal Publications (MEMS)
Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, Lalsingh Devsoth, Ashok Akarapu, Prem Pal and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Design and fabrication of leaf- based
microcantilever beams," Microsystem Technologies,
pp.1-21, 2024, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
Nikul Jani, Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Force-amplifying compliant mechanism for
closed-loop MEMS accelerometer," IEEE: Sensors Letter,
Volume 8, 12, 1-4, Dec 2024, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
Nikul Jani, Rakesh Tirupathi, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Modelling and optimization of compound lever-based displacement amplifier in a MEMS accelerometer," Microsystem Technologies,
2024, Accepted, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, Lalsingh Devsoth, Ashok Akarapu, Prem Pal and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Frequency and damping analysis of hexagonal microcantilever beams," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 375, 115542, 1-18, 2024, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
Lalsingh Devsoth and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Hydrodynamic forces in higher modes of a thin cantilever beam resonator ," Physics of Fluids,
Volume 36, 032002, 2024, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
Lalsingh Devsoth and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Hydrodynamic forces in array of uniform and non-uniform cantilever beams ," Journal of Fluids and Structures,
Volume 124, 104036, 2024, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
Lalsingh Devsoth and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Hydrodynamic forces in non-uniform cantilever beam resonator ," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
Volume 244, 108078, 2023, DOI: ; DOI
; PDF .
S Purohit, V Swarnalatha, A K Pandey, and P Pal, "Wet anisotropic etching characteristics of Si{111} in NaOH-based solution for silicon bulk micromachining," Micro and Nano Syst Lett,
, Volume 10, Number 21, 10 Pages, 2022, DOI: 10.1186/s40486-022-00162-7
; PDF .
S Purohit, V Swarnalatha, A K Pandey, R K Sharma and P Pal, "Wet bulk micromachining characteristics of Si{110} in NaOH-based solution," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
, Volume 32, Number 12, 124001, 2022, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6439/ac9b64 ; DOI
; PDF .
Arnab Biswas, Vishal S Pawar, P Krishna Menon, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Influence of Fabrication Tolerances on Performance Characteristics of a MEMS Gyroscope," Microsystem Technologies, 27(7), 2679–2693, July 2021, DOI:10.1007/s00542-020-05059-2 ; DOI
; PDF .
Prem Pal, Veerla Swarnalatha, Avvaru Venkata Narasimha Rao, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kazuo Sato,
"High Speed Silicon Wet Anisotropic Etching for Applications in Bulk Micromachining: A Review," Micro and Nano Systems Letters, 9, 4 (2021) ; DOI
; PDF .
P Manoj Kumar, Ashok Akarapu, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Frequency tuning of weakly and strongly coupled
micromechanical beams," ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, 9(2), 117-130, 2020, DOI:10.1007/s41683-020-00058-x ; DOI
; PDF .
P Krishna Menon, Ashok Akarapu, A. V. Narasimha Rao, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Prem Pal
"Effect of Concentration change of 0.1% Triton added 25 wt% TMAH during Fabrication of Deep cavities with Mesa Structures in SOI Wafer," Microelectronic Engineering , Volume 227, 15 April 2020, 111323 ; DOI
; PDF .
Ashok Akarapu, Rohit Prakash Nighot, Lalsingh Devsoth, Mukul Yadav, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Experimental and theoretical analysis of drag forces in micromechanical beam arrays," Phys. Rev. Applied , 13(3), 034003, March 2020 ; DOI
; PDF .
P. Krishna Menon , A. V. Narasimha Rao, A. Linga Murthy, A K Pandey, and P. Pal
"Study of high speed etching of silicon in KOH + NH 2 OH Solution at lower temperatures for the fabrication of through holes in silicon wafer," Micro & Nano Letters , pp. 1-6, 2020 ; DOI
; PDF .
V Swarnalatha, K T Vismaya, A V Narasimha Rao, P Pal, A K Pandey, H Tanaka, and K Sato, "Etching Mechanism Behind the High-Speed Etching of Silicon in NH2OH-added Alkaline Solutions," IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines , 140(1), 24-30, 2020 ; DOI
; PDF .
V. Swarnalatha, P. Pal, A. K. Pandey, A. V. Narasimha Rao, Y. Xing, H. Tanaka, and K. Sato, "Systematic study of the etching characteristics of Si{111} in modified TMAH," Micro & Nano Letters, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2020, p. 52 - 57 ; DOI
; PDF .
V. S. Pawar, P. K. Menon, A. L. Murty, P. Pal, and A. K. Pandey, "Influence of Scalloping on Electrostatic Forces in Comb Drive Microdevices," ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems , 8, 127–134, 2019 ; DOI
; PDF .
- A. V. Narasimha Rao, P. Pal, A. K. Pandey, V. Swarnalatha, P. K. Menon, H. Tanaka, and K. Sato, "Aging effect of NH2OH-added KOH on the etching characteristics of main crystallographic planes," ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology , 8(11): P685-P692, 2019 ; DOI
; PDF .
- Akarapu Ashok, Rohit Prakash Nighot, Nagesh Kumar Sahu, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Design and analysis of microcantilever beams based on arrow shape," Microsystem Technologies, 25(11), 4379-4390, 2019 ; DOI
; PDF .
- Aparna Gangele and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Frequency Analysis of Carbon and Silicon Nanosheet with Surface Effects," Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol 76, pp. 741-758, December 2019 ; DOI
; PDF .
- Aparna Gangele, Ashok Akarapu, Chandrasekhar Sharma, Prem Pal, Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Frequency analysis of hexagonal microbeam with 2D
nanofiber mat," IOP Materials Research Express, Vol. 6(8), pp. 085631 (1-10), 2019 ; DOI
; PDF [First and second authors contributed equally].
Akarapu Ashok, P Manoj Kumar, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "An Idea of Oscillating Alphabets through Mechanical Coupling," ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, Vol. 7(2), pp. 145–150, October 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Sajal Sagar Singh, Dipin K. Nair, Amirtham Rajagopal, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Dynamic analysis of microbeams based on modified strain
gradient theory using differential quadrature method," European Journal of Computational Mechanics, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/17797179.2018.1485338, 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Aparna Gangele, Sathish Kumar Garala and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Influence of Van der Waals Forces on Elastic and Buckling Characteristics of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 146–147, pp. 191–199, 2018, ; DOI
; PDF .
Avvaru Venkata Narasimha Rao, Veerla Swarnalatha, Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Prem Pal, "Determination of precise crystallographic directions on Si{111} wafers using self-aligning pre-etched pattern," Micro and Nano Systems Letters , 6:4, 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Aparna Gangele and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Elastic and fracture characteristics of graphene-silicon nanosheet composites using nonlinear finite element method," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volumes 142–143, Pages 491–501, July 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Akarapu Ashok, Aparna Gangele, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "An Analysis of Stepped Trapezoidal Shaped Microcantilever beams for MEMS based Devices," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Volume 28(7), July 2018, 075009 (11 Pages) ; DOI
; PDF .
Akarapu Ashok, P Manoj Kumar, Sajal Sagar Singh, P Raju, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Achieving Wideband Micromechanical System using Coupled Non-Uniform Beams Array," Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, Volume 273, 15 April 2018, Pages 12-18, 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Debesh Kumar Sahoo and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Performance of Non-Uniform Cantilever based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester," ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, doi:10.1007/s41683-018-0018-2, 2018 ; DOI
; PDF .
Aparna Gangele, Chandra Shekhar Sharma, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Synthesis of patterned vertically aligned carbon nanotubes
by PECVD using different growth techniques: a review," J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., Vol. 17, No. 4, 2256-2273, April -2017 ; DOI
; PDF .
Prashant N. Kambali, Nikhil V S and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Surface and nonlocal effects on response of linear and nonlinear NEMS devices," Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 43, 252-267, March 2017 ; DOI
; PDF .
Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinear coupling of transverse modes of a fixed-fixed microbeam under direct and parametric excitation," Nonlinear Dynamics Vol. 87, No. 2, 1271-1294, Jan. 2017 ; DOI
; PDF .
Sajal Sagar Singh, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Mass sensitivity of non-uniform microcantilever beam," ASME J. Vib. Acoust. 138(6), 064502 (Aug 08, 2016) (7 pages) (VIB-16-1056), 2016 ; DOI
; PDF .
Santhosh Vishwakarma, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Jeevak M. Parpia, Scott Verbridge, Harold Craighead, and Rudra Pratap, "Size modulated transition in the fluid-structure interaction losses in nano mechanical beam resonators. J. Appl. Phys.. 119, 194303 (2016) ; DOI
; PDF .
Sajal Sagar Singh, Narasimha Rao, Swarnalatha Veerla, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Prem Pal, "A measurement free pre-etched pattern to identify the <110> directions on
Si{110} wafer. Microsystems Technologies. (2016) ; DOI
; PDF (Accepted).
Sajal Sagar Singh, Prem Pal, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Yan Xing, and Kazuo Sato, "Determination of Precise Crystallographic Directions for Mask Alignment in Wet Bulk
Micromachining for MEMS (Review Article)," Micro and Nano Systems Letters . 4(5), (2016) ; DOI
; PDF .
Prashant N. Kambali, Gyanadutta Swain and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Frequency Analysis of Linearly Coupled Modes of MEMS Arrays," ASME J. Vib. Acoust. 138(2), 021017(2016)
; PDF .
Sajal Sagar Singh, Swarnalatha Veerla, Vivek Sharma, Ashok Pandey , Prem Pal, "Precise identication of <100> directions on Si{001}
wafer using a novel self-aligning pre-etched technique," J. Micromech. Microeng. 26, 025012 (2016) ; DOI
; PDF .
Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Capacitance and Force Computation due to Direct and Fringing Effects in MEMS/NEMS Arrays,"
IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(2):375-382 (2016); DOI ; PDF .
Sajal Sagar Singh, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Pull-in analysis of non-uniform microcantilever beams under large deflection,"
J. Appl. Phys. 118(20), 204303 (2015); DOI
; PDF .
Prashant N. Kambali, Gyanadutta Swain, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Eyal Buks, and Oded Gottlieb, "Coupling and tuning of modal frequencies in direct current biased microelectromechanical system arrays,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 063104, 2015;DOI
Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinear Response of a Microbeam under Combined Direct and Fringing Field Excitation,"
ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 10:051010 (pp.10), 2015, DOI
Santhosh Doreswamy Vishwakarma, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Jeevak M. Parpia, Darren Robert Southworth, Harold G. Craighead, and Rudra Pratap,
"Evaluation of mode dependent fluid damping in a high frequency drumhead microresonator,"
IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23(2):334-336, 2014 DOI .
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Effect of coupled modes on pull-in voltage and frequency tuning of a NEMS device,"
IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23:085015(pp.9), 2013.
Stav Zaitsev, Ashok K. Pandey, Oleg Shtempluck, and Eyal Buks,
"Forced and self-excited oscillations of an optomechanical cavity,"
Phys. Rev. E , 84:046605(10 Pages), 2011.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Oded Gottlieb, Oleg Shtempluck, and Eyal Buks,
"Performance of an AuPd micromechanical resonator as a temperature sensor,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. , 96:203105(3 Pages), 2010.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, K. P. Venkatesh and Rudra Pratap,
"Effect of metal coating and residual effect on the resonant frequency of MEMS resonators,"
Sadhana, 34(4):651-662, Aug. 2009.
K. P Venkatesh, Nishad Patil, Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Design and characterization of an in-plane MEMS yaw rate sensor,"
Sadhana, 34(4):633-642, Aug. 2009.
Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap,
"Modelling the effect of residual stress and perforations on the dynamic characteristics of MEMS devices,"
Advances in Vibration Engineering, 8(1):19-28, 2009.
Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap,
"A semi-analytical model for squeeze-film damping including rarefaction in a MEMS torsion mirror with complex geometry,"
IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18:105003(pp.12), 2008.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Rudra Pratap, and Fook Siong Chau,
"Effect of pressure on fluid damping in MEMS torsional resonators with flow ranging from continuum to molecular regime,"
Experimental Mechanics , 48(1):91-106, 2008,
(Hetenyi Award 2010 awarded by SEM,USA, http://www.sem.org/HON-Hetenyl.asp ).
Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap,
"A comparative study of analytical squeeze-film damping models in perforated rectangular MEMS structures with experimental results,"
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics , 4(3):205-218, 2008.
Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap,
"Effect of flexural modes on Squeeze Film Damping in MEMS Cantilever Resonators,"
IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17:2475-2484, 2007.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Rudra Pratap, and Fook Siong Chau,
"Influence of boundary conditions on the dynamic characteristics of squeeze-film in MEMS devices",
IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromechanical System, 16(4):893-903, Aug. 2007.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Rudra Pratap, and Fook Siong Chau,
"Analytical solution of modified Reynolds equation for squeeze-film damping in perforated MEMS structures,"
Sensors and Actuators A, 135(2):839-848, Apr. 2007.
Rudra Pratap, Suhas Mohite, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Squeeze-film effects in MEMS devices,"
Journal of Indian Institute of Science (Invited paper), 87(1):75-94, Jan.-Mar. 2007.
Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap,
"Coupled nonlinear effects of surface roughness and rarefaction on squeeze film damping in MEMS structures",
IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 14:1430-1437, 2004.
- Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap, "Studies in Nonlinear Effects of Squeeze Film Damping in MEMS Structures", International Journal of Computational Engineering Science, 4(3):477-480, 2003.
Conference/Symposium/Invited Talks
Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Dynamic Characterization of Micro to Macroscale Systems," Symposium on Advanced Measurement Techniques in Dynamics, Vibration, and Robotics,
IIT Hyderabad, India, 25 Feb, 2025.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinearity in Vehicle System Dynamics and Controls," Symposium on Advances in electric and autonomous vehicles,
IIT Delhi, India, 18-19 Feb, 2025.
Nikul Jani, Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Force-amplifying compliant mechanism for closed-loop MEMS accelerometer," 3rd IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON) 2025,
IIT Hyderabad, India, 20-22 Jan, 2025.
Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, Nikul Jani, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Design of open and closed-loop architecture in hexagonal beam-based MEMS accelerometer," 3rd IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON) 2025,
IIT Hyderabad, India, 20-22 Jan, 2025.
Amrit Kumar Mishra, Vaibhav Dhar Dwivedi, Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, Mohit Gaur, Sarath Chandra, Krishna Menon,, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Quadrature Error Control Closed Loop for A Dual Proof Mass MEMS Gyroscope," 7th Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms
8-10 November, 2024.
Nikul Jani, Rakesh Tirupathi, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Lever-bridge type design of compliant displacement amplifier for MEMS accelerometer," 7th Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms
8-10 November, 2024.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Research Overview of MAE@IITH," Industry-Connect Meet, IIT Hyderabad, India, 27-28 September 2024.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Frequency tuning of hexagonal beam based MEMS resonator," 22nd International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, IIT Madras, India, 20-23 October 2024.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Vehicle Dynamics and Modelling," FDP Program on "Advanced Course on Vehicle Dynamics" IIT, Madras, Chennai, Sep 19 – 21, 2024.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Frequency Tunning of MEMS Devices," Workshop on “MEMS based Scalable Healthcare Technologies” at BIT Mesra, 1-2 August, 2024.
Nikul Jani, Jujjuvarapu Sai Kishore, Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Closed-loop differential capacitive MEMS accelerometer with a compound lever-based
compliant mechanism," 2024 ISSS Conference on Micro, Nano and Smart System (IC-MNSS), IISc Bengaluru, India, 9-12 July 2024.
Abhinav Pubbi, Jujjuvarapu Sai Kishore, Amrit Kumar Mishra, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Design and Analysis of Curved Beam based Mechanical Amplifier in MEMS Accelerometer
," 2024 ISSS Conference on Micro, Nano and Smart System (IC-MNSS), IISc Bengaluru, India, 9-12 July 2024.
Amrit Kumar Mishra, Vaibhav Dhar Dwivedi, Nikul Jani, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Open and Closed-loop Analysis of Single-Axis MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope with Centrally Supported Proof Mass
," 2024 ISSS Conference on Micro, Nano and Smart System (IC-MNSS), IISc Bengaluru, India, 9-12 July 2024.
S. K. Jujjuvarapu, and A. K. Pandey, "Design and Modeling of Differential Capacitive Hexagonal Beam Based MEMS Accelerometer," 2024 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), Dresden, Germany, 2-5 June 2024.
V. D. Dwivedi*, A. K. Mishra*, N. Jani, P. K. Menon, and A. K. Pandey, "Closed Loop Sense Feedback Control for a Dual Proof Mass MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope," 2024 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), Dresden, Germany, 2-5 June 2024.
A. K. Pandey, "Vehicle and Tire Mechanics," Skill Development Program in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, 6-10 May 2024.
N. Jani, P. K. Menon, and A. K. Pandey, "Optimization and analysis of a closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with enhanced bandwidth," 2024 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), BITS Pilani Goa, India, 22-24 January 2024.
S. K. Jujjuvarapu and A. K. Pandey, "Design and modeling of curved beam based differential capacitive MEMS accelerometer," 2024 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), BITS Pilani Goa, India, 22-24 January 2024 .
- Waquar Ahmed Khan, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF ROTOR-JOURNAL BEARING BASED ROTOR SYSTEM USING DOMAIN ADAPTION TECHNIQUES", ” VETOMAC 2023", December 18 - 20, 2023, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Closed-Loop Differential Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer with Displacement Amplification Complaint Mechanism", ” A-2645 (AA), 11th ISSS National Conference of MEMS, Smart materials, Structures and Systems, 14-16 December 2023, KCT Coimbatore, India
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," MEMS Status and the Way forward for Aerospace and Defence", ” Electrical and Electronics (Aerospace and Defence) Summit, 14-15 September 2023, HAL, Hyderabad, India
- Jujjuvarapu Sai Kishore, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Pull-in Analysis of Arrow-shaped Microcantilever Beam", ” A-2645 (AA), 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), 26-30 June 2023, Singapore
- Soumya Purohit, Prem Pal, Swarnalatha Veerla and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Piezoelectric Microcantilevers for Force Sensing Application", ” A-0730 (I), 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), 26-30 June 2023, Singapore
- Waquar Ahmed Khan, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Fault diagnosis of turbine-generator rotor-journal bearing based rotor train by using transfer learning techniques", ” Page 94, Proceedings of "Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics in STEM", 5-7 June 2023, IIT Hyderabad
- Prabhat Ranjan, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Pinning phenomenon in single and multi-bolted joint", ” Page 121, Proceedings of "Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics in STEM", 5-7 June 2023, IIT Hyderabad
- Gyan Wrat, Lalsingh Devsoth, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Experimental Analysis of Non-Uniform Cantilever Beam in Fluid with Variable Depth", ” Keynote Speaker in "4th Structural Integrity
Conference and Exhibition (SICE)", 14-16 December 2022, IIT Hyderabad
- Vivek E K, Ashok Kumar Pandey , C Veera Sesha Kumar, Sadanand S Kulkarni ," Dynamic Characterization of an Elastomer Pad for Vibration Isolation", ” The 8th
- Mithlesh Kumar, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Study of Curved
Beam based Displacement Amplifying Compliant Mechanism for Accelerometer Design", ” The 6th International Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms (MAMM 2022), 3-5 December
2022, IIT Hyderabad
- Nikul Jani, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Different beam configurations for compliant
mechanism-based MEMS accelerometer", ” The 6th International Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms (MAMM 2022), 3-5 December
2022, IIT Hyderabad
- Rakesha Chandra Dash, Rakesh Tirupathi, P. Krishna Menon, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Parametric Tuning of Natural Frequencies of Tuning Fork Gyroscope", ” The 6th International Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms (MAMM 2022), 3-5 December
2022, IIT Hyderabad
- Sai Kishore Jujjuvarapu, Indrasena Reddy Erravelly, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Frequency Analysis of Microbeam with Axial Pretension using MSGT", ” The 6th International Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms (MAMM 2022), 3-5 December
2022, IIT Hyderabad
- Lalsingh Devsoth and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Two-dimensional hydrodynamic forces in an array of shape-morphed cantilever beams", ” The 6th International Conference on Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechanisms (MAMM 2022), 3-5 December
2022, IIT Hyderabad
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Vehicle Dynamic Problem: Tire Forces and Models", ” Poster under the theme "Next-Generation Mobility Technologies" as a part of IIT Hyderabad team in "IInvenTiv IIT R&D Fair" Ministry of Education, 14-15 October 2022, IIT Delhi, India, https://iitshowcase.com/
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Improvement in Tire Model to Control Vehicle", ” Keynote Speaker in "SAEINDIA International Mobility Conference 2022", 12-14 October 2022, Hilton Bengaluru Embassy, Manyata Business Park, India, https://saeindia.org/events/siimc2022/
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Policy and Manufacturing of electric three-wheelers", ” As a member for discussion panel on "Stakeholder Consultation Virtual workshop on the Market
Transformation of Electric Three-Wheelers, Organized by AEEE-ICA-SIDBI, 19 September 2022,
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," MEMS Modeling and Challenges", ” 1 Week FDP Program on "A New Era of Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities", Organized by DY Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 28 July 2022,
- Lalsingh Devsoth and Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Drag forces in non-uniform cantilever beam oscillating in viscous fluid", ” 10th European nonlinear dynamics conference (ENOC2020), 17-22 July 2022,
Lyon, France.
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Modeling of Tolerances in Bolted Joints", ” Design Talk 2022, Organized by ZF, INDIA, 13 July 2022
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ," Frequency Analysis of Micro/Nano beams based on Nonlocal Elasticity and Strain Gradient Approach", ” International Symposium on
Nonlocal Mechanics Approaches for Modeling Localized Deformations NMAMLD 2022 07th-08th June, 2022, IIT Hyderabad (http://www.nmamld2022.com/index.html )
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Basics of Vehicle Dynamics", ” Session: Sustainable EV Designs, ATAL INNOVATION CENTER, THUB, ( https://t-hub.co/aic-t-hub-foundation/mobility/ ) , 27 January 2022
- Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Academic Programs in EV Technology", ” CII Telangana Knowledge Series:A Masterclass on Electric Vehicles 13 November 2021
- Soumya Purohit, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Comparative study of perforated microcantilevers for MEMS applications", ” 2021 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP), 2021, pp. 1-4., doi: 10.1109/DTIP54218.2021.9568667 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9568667 ).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Analysis of bolted joints under different loading conditions", ” AICTE FDP on “Advanced Vibrations – Various Engineering Applications With Hands on Sessions (Phase-2)" (conducted through Online mode) 27th September – 02nd October 2021., DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGUniversity College of Engineering Kakinada (A) JNTUK, KAKINADA – 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India., 28th September 2021(Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Analysis of Tire Forces under Different Operating Conditions", ” AICTE FDP on “Advanced Vibrations – Various Engineering Applications With Hands on Sessions (Phase-2)" (conducted through Online mode) 27th September – 02nd October 2021., DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGUniversity College of Engineering Kakinada (A) JNTUK, KAKINADA – 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India., 28th September 2021(Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Linear and Non-linear frequency tunings in MEMS", ” AICTE FDP on “Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design” (conducted through Online mode) from 20th-24th July 2021., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University, College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, 21th July 2021(Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics", ” AICTE FDP on “Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design” (conducted through Online mode) from 20th-24th July 2021., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University, College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, 20th July 2021(Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Vibration Theory and Measurement: Operating Deflection Shape", ” Two Days Workshop on Experimental Modal Analysis 12-13 July 2021 , BHEL, R&D, Hyderabad, July 12th, 2021 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Nonlinear dynamics modelling and methods", ” AICTE FDP in Nonlinear Problems in Mechanical and Physical Systems 7-11 June 2021 , Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, June 7th, 2021 (Online Virtual Workshop).
- Sibivivek KP and Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Dynamic Analysis of 3D Printed Polylactic Acid(PLA) Bolted Joint Beams", ” Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics
(VSAM)-2021, 28-29th May'21 and 4-5th June 2021 , June 5th, 2021 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Sunrit Samanta and Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Electromechanical Modelling of Ring Type MEMS Gyroscopes", ” Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics
(VSAM)-2021, 28-29th May'21 and 4-5th June 2021 , June 5th, 2021 (Online Virtual Workshop).
- Sivakoteswararao Ikkurthi, Priyank Prakash, and
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Analysis of Half-Car Model with Nonlinear Damper under Sinusoidal Road Excitation", ”NODYCON 2021, Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference,, Rome, February 16-19, 2021 (Online Virtual Conference). ABSTRACT
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Linear and Nonlinear Frequency Tuning of MEMS Devices", ”AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course (Online) Advances in Vibration Analysis
(December 28, 2020 - January 02, 2021) , Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT BHU, December 31th, 2020 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Frequency Tuning Mechanisms of MEMS Devices", ”AICTE sponsored Six days online STTP (Phase-III) on Manufacturing Applications of Micromachining with Emphasis on Make in India, , Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, December 18th, 2020 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Vehicle Dynamics", AICTE sponsored one week online Short Term Training Program on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles”, , Automobile Engineering Department, Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi-585102
, December 9th and 16th, 2020 (Online Virtual Workshop).
DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, November 24th, 2020 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"Electromechanical Coupling in MEMS Devices", Four Days TEQIP workshop on "Magnetic Materials for MEMS-based Devices"
(29 Oct 2020 to 1 Nov 2020)”, , Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, October 30th, 2020 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"MATLAB based Digital Tools and Flipped Learning", TEQIP Sponsored 5 Days Online Workshop on “Advanced Pedagogies: Active Learning and
Digital Tools”, , Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, 6th October 2020 and 15 December 2020 (Online Virtual Workshop).
Ashok Kumar Pandey ,"An Overview of MEMS Design", Invited Talk in Two Days Certificate Course on “MEMS”,
Saveeta Institute of Technology, Chennai,
June 25th, 2020 (Online Virtual Conference).
AV Narasimha Rao, Prem Pal, Ashok Kumar Pandey , Krishna Menon, Hiroshi Tanaka, and Kazuo Sato,
"HIGH SPEED SILICON WET BULK MICROMACHINING OF SI{111} IN KOH BASED SOLUTION", 22nd edition of the Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS, Lyon - France, June 2nd - June 5th, 2020 (Online Virtual Conference).
Aashish Shaju and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Analysis of Improved Transient Tire modeling", 2nd Indo Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing for Next Generation Electric Vehicle and High Speed Railway, IIT Madras Campus, Chennai, India during 2-3 March 2020.
Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Iwan Model for Bolted Joint with Residual Macroslip Stiffness and Pinning", 4th International and 19th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, IIT Mandi, Mandi, India, 5-7 December, 2019.
Aparna Gangele and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Contact modeling for Graphene-based nanosheet composites in pretension", Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics 2019 (INCAM 2019), IISc Bangalore, Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019.
Vishal Pawar, P. Krishna Menon, Prem Pal and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Numerical Modeling of Fabrication Tolerances in Comb Drive Microdevices", Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics 2019 (INCAM 2019), IISc Bangalore, Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019.
Indrasena Reddy Erravelly and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Small scale effect on Natural frequencies of a micro beam subjected to axial loading using DQM", Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics 2019 (INCAM 2019), IISc Bangalore, Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019.
Nagesh Kumar Sahu, Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Nonlinear Analysis of Bolted Joint using Single Degree of Freedom Model", Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics 2019 (INCAM 2019), IISc Bangalore, Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019.
Aakash Swami and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring based on Contact Patch using Machine Learning Techniques", Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics 2019 (INCAM 2019), IISc Bangalore, Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019.
G Vamsi Krishna, Viswanath Chinthapenta and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Performance of Bolted Joint Modeling using Master Element", 6th National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics - NSRD 2019, 1-2 July 2019, Bangalore, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey. and Indrasena Reddy,
"Influence of Prestress on Frequencies of Nanobeams based on MSGT", 47th International Summer School-Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics – 2019 , June 24th – 29th, 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia.
A Gangele and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Vibrational characteristics of carbon nanosheet composites including surface effects", International conference on Carbon-MEMS 2018 , Hyderabad, India, December 5-7, 2018.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Carbon based Nano and Microdevces", 4th IEEE International conference on Emerging Electronics , Bangalore, India, 17-19 December 2018.
Akarapu Ashok, Nagesh Kumar Sahu, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Arrow Shaped Microcantilever Beams for Enhancing Mass Sensitivity", IEEE SENSORS , 28-31 October 2018, New Delhi. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2018.8589838 .
Avvaru Venkata Narasimha Rao, Veerla Swarnalatha, Ashok Kumar Pandey. and Prem Pal,
"Microstructures with Protected Convex Corners in Modified KOH Solution Exhibiting High-Speed Silicon Etching", IEEE SENSORS , 28-31 October 2018, New Delhi. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2018.8589751.
Aparna Gangele and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Elastic and Vibrational Characteristics of functionally graded graphene-silicon nanocomposites reinforced with prestressed single layer graphene sheet", 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), , Glasgow, UK, 11-15 June 2018.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"FEM Applied to Dynamic Systems", Continuing Education Program (CEP) on Structural Dynamics, , 5 September 2018, DRDL, Kanchan Bagh, Hyderabad
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Vibration Analysis of Joints", Continuing Education Program (CEP) on Structural Dynamics, , 5 September 2018, DRDL, Kanchan Bagh, Hyderabad
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Overview of MEMS and Vehicle Dynamics", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, , 25 July 2018, RGMCET, Nandyal
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Introduction to Simulink and GUI", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, , 25 July 2018, RGMCET, Nandyal
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Modeling and Simulation of Road Vehicles", A three day workshop on "Modeling and Simulation of Road Vehicles", , 28 February 2018- 2nd March 2018 conducted at Mercedes Benz, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Aparna Gangele and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Vibrational haracteristics of functionally graded graphene-silicon nanosheet composites", International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations and Initiatives (ICN3I-2017), , Paper/Abstract No. 497, 1,2017, 189, 6-8 December 2017, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.
Aparna Gangele, Satish Kumar Garala and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Elastic and buckling analysis of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays using finite element methods", International conference on composite material and structures (ICCMS 2017), , 1, 2017, 1682-1692. (Paper/Abstract ID: 392), 27-29 December 2017, Hyderabad, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Modeling and simulations of MEMS Devices", Invited Talk , One day workshop in MEMS/NEMS, RGMCET, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, 19th September 2017.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Linear and nonlinear dynamics of small to large structures", Invited Talk , AICTE Faculty Development Program on Fault Diagnosis, Condition Monitoring, and Structural Dynamics, AITAM, Andhra Pradesh,6-19th November 2017.
Varala Rajath, I Sivakoteswarrao and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Performance characteristics of 2 and 3 dofs quarter car models with MR damper", 24th International Congress
on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24) , 23-27 July 2017, London, UK. ;
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Overview of Research in MEMS and Vehicle Dynamics", Invited Talk , 21st July 2017, SVERI Pandharpur.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Frequency Tuning due to Non-Uniform Cantilever based Systems", Invited Talk at 8th ISSS International Conference
on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems , 5-7 July 2017, IISc, Bangalore.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Linear and nonlinear dynamics of MEMS devices", Invited talk, 23 March 2017, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and
Technology (GRIET), Bachupally.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Influence of temperature on the tire forces and moment",
Invited talk in workshop on Advances in Stress Analysis and
Dynamics, 17 March 2017, , NIT Suratkal, Karnataka.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Design of MEMS and NEMS Sensors and Actuators",
Invited Talk at TEQIP , 20 December 2016, National Institute of Technology Trichy, Tamilnadu.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Design Criteria on Material Selection in Nano Sensors",
Invited Talk at Three Days National Workshop on Nano Materials for Nano Sensors , 10 November 2016, NR Vignana Jyothi
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad..
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"MEMS Design and Its Application",
Invited Talk at TEQIP , 27 October 2016, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Modeling of Temperature Effect on Tire Forces and Moments under Different Operating Conditions",
Invited Talk in Seminar Series on Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation organized by PROSIM, Bangalore on , 20-21 September 2016 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"An Overvew of MEMS Design",
Invited Talk at TEQIP , 23 October 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Telangana.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Engineering Mechanics: Statics",
Summer School on Engineering Mechanics , 26 June 2016, M.V.S.R Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad.
Sajal Sagar Singh, Prem Pal and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Highly Sensitive Microelectromechanical Mass Sensor with Nonuniform Beams", 13th International Workshop on
Nanomechanical Sensing , 22-24 June 2016, Delft, the Netherlands.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"MEMS and NEMS in Ground Vehicles",
Invited Talk in FDP on Materials and Design : An Engineering Challenge , 16 June 2016, Vardhaman College of Engineering,
Shamshabad, Hyderabad.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Teaching beyond the class: Flip Teaching",
Invited Talk in Faculty Development Programme on , 19 May 2016, VNR Vignana Jyothi
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Teaching beyond the class",
Invited Talk in One Day Workshop on Teaching and Learning on , 1 April 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Telangana.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Design and fabrication of MEMS Devices",
Invited Talk in FDP on Materials and Design : An Engineering Challenge , 10 March 2016, VNR Vignana Jyothi
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Design Perspective of MEMS and NEMS Devices",
Invited Talk at TEQIP , 17 December 2015, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Telangana.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Based Devices",
Invited Talk at TEQIP , 17 December 2015, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Telangana.
Bimal Purohit and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Computation Of Modal Frequencies And Shapes Of A Non-Uniform Simply-Supported
Beam", 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems 2015 , 14-17 December 2015, IIT Guwahati, Assam.
Sajal Sagar Singh, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Frequency and Pull-in Analysis of Non-Uniform MEMS Cantilever Beams",
Poster presentation at 18th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices 2015 , 7-9 December 2015, IISc Bangalore, Karnataka.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Linear and Nonlinear Frequency Tuning of MEMS Arrays",
Invited Talk at 18th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices 2015 , 7-9 December 2015, IISc Bangalore, Karnataka.
Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Design aspect of MEMS Devices",
Invited Talk in Faculty Development Programme in Advancement in MEMS and NEMS Technologies under TEQUIP , 20 November 2015, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GOKARAJU RANGARAJU Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
Bibin S, Atul Gavade and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Dynamic Analysis of Tire Forces and Moment using Hybrid Approach",
22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2015 , 12-16 July 2015, Florance, Italy.
Priyank Prakash and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Performance of MR Damper Based on Experimental and Analytical Modeling",
22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2015 , 12-16 July 2015, Florance, Italy.
Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Effects of Coupled Modes in MEMS/NEMS Devices under Direct and Fringing Electrostatic Fields",
22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2015 , 12-16 July 2015, Florance, Italy.
Nikhil V S, Amirtham Rajagopal and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Linear Finite ELement Analysis of Surface and Nonlocal Effects in Nanoscale Devices",
International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials 2015 , 20-22 Febraury 2015, IISc Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Nikhil V S, Prashant N.Kambali, Amirtham Rajagopal and Ashok Kumar Pandey.,
"Surface and Nonlocal Effects on Resonance Frequencies of Nanobeams",
International Conference on MEMS and Sensors 2014 , 18-20 December 2014, IIT Madras, Tamilnadu, India.
Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Generalized Expressions for Capacitance of Mems/nems Devices under Direct and Fringing Electrostatic Fields",
International Conference on MEMS and Sensors 2014 , 18-20 December 2014, IIT Madras, Tamilnadu, India.
Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Electrostatic Forces in Fixed-Fixed Microbeams under DIrect and Fringing Field Effects",
2nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, , 4-6 December, 2014, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Research Opportunities in MEMS and NEMS",
A Two Day Workshop on MEMS Design organized by IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Hyderabad Section, 20-21 June 2014, Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telanagana, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Sensors and Actuators in Automobiles",
A Workshop Sensors and Actuators in Healthcare and Automobile , 13 March 2014, IIT Hyderabad, ODF Campus, Yeddumailaram, AP, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Academic experimentation at IIT Hyderabad",
First International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2014), 18 January 2014, Hubli, Karnataka.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Design and Analysis of MEMS/NEMS Resonators",
A Five Days Workshop on MEMS and NEMS (Fundamentals, Design, and Applications), 16-20 December 2013, IIT Hyderabad, ODF Campus, Yeddumailaram, AP, India.
Gyanadutta Swain and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Nonlinear response of coupled transverse modes of a nanoresonator",
17th IWPSD -2013, Abstract ID-261, 347-349,, 10-13 December 2013, Noida, India.
Sathish Kumar Garala, Prashant N.Kambali, and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"A hybrid approach for the modal analysis of graphene and carbon nanotubes",
17th IWPSD -2013, Abstract ID-175, 347-349,, 10-13 December 2013, Noida, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Consequences of a low power and ultra fast micro/nanoscale opto-electro-mechanical system",
4th trilateral symposium on nanotechnology, 5-7 December 2013, Singapore.
Santhosh Doreswamy Vishwakarma, Rudra Pratap, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Jeevak M. Parpia, Darren Robert Southworth, Robert Anthony Barton, and
Harold G. Craighead,
"Estimation of Acoustic Losses in the Quality Factor of a Micromechanical 2D Resonator",
ICSV20, 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 7-11 July 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
" An Overview of Micro and Nanotechnolgy",
National Workshop on Research Opportunities in Micro/Nano Systems, 25 March 2013, KL University, Vijayawada, AP, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Introduction to Micro and Nanotechnolgy",
DST Inspire Science Camp, 25 January 2013, Rajdhani College, New Delhi, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"MEMS and NEMS: An Overview of Design and Characterization",
National Seminar on Emerging Technologies in Micro and Nano Manufacturing, 12-14 June 2012, DIAT (DU) Pune, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Eyal Buks,
"Coupled Thermomechanical Effect in Frequency Tuning of MEMS Resonators",
Indo-French Symposium on Sensors and Technologies and Systems, 1-4 March 2012, IIT Delhi, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Stav Zaitsev and Eyal Buks,
"Optical Tuning of the Dynamic Characteristics of a Micromechanical Device",
International Conference on Microactuators and Micromechanisms, MAMM 2012, 19-20 January 2012, CMERI Durgapur, India.
Sathish Kumar Garala, Sanskar Godha , and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Effect of Chirality on the Resonance Frequency of a Carbon Nanotube",
Bangalore Nano, 8-9 December 2011, Bangalore, India.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Eyal Buks, and Oded Gottlieb,
"Opto-Electro-Mechanical Effects of a Thin Mechanical Structure",
Quantum NEMS STREP project meeting, 10-11 March 2010, Pisa, Italy.
Rudra Pratap and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Energy Dissipation Consideration in the Design and Development of Dynamic MEMS and NEMS Devices" (Invited paper),
Indo-Japanese workshop on "Micro/Nano Manufacturing and Production Management & Control, March 2008, Heisei University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rudra Pratap and Ashok Kumar Pandey,
"Compact modeling of inertial and rarefaction effects on quality factor of MEMS torsional structures in continuum to molecular flows",
SPIE Photonic West 2008: MOEMS-MEMS 2008 Micro and Nanofabrication, 19-24 January 2008, San Jose, CA.
K P Venkatesh, S S Mohite, Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Experimental and computational studies on the effect of complex air gap geometry on squeeze-film damping in perforated MEMS devices",
International Conference on Smart materials, Structures and Systems, 2008, Bangalore.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, K P Venkatesh, and Rudra Pratap,
"Effect of Metal Coating and Residual Stress on the Resonant Frequency of MEMS Resonators",
10th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ICAM'2007, 8-13 October 2007, Bangalore.
K P Venkatesh, Nishad Patil, Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Design and Characterization of an In-Plane MEMS Yaw Rate Sensors",
10th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ICAM'2007, 8-13 October 2007, Bangalore.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Rudra Pratap, and K P Venkatesh,
"Effect of Residual Stress and Perforations on the Dynamic Characteristics of MEMS Devices",
National Conference of Research Scholars in Mechanical Engineering, 23-24 March 2007, IIT Kanpur.
Ashok Kumar Pandey and Rudra Pratap,
"Squeeze film damping in perforated MEMS torsion mirror",
International conference on Emerging Mechanical Technology MACRO TO NANO (EMTM2N-2007),16-18 February 2007, BITS Pilani.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Rudra Pratap, and Fook Siong Chau,
"Experimental study of fluid damping in micro devices with flow ranging from continuum to molecular regime",
MOEMS-MEMS2007 Micro and Nanofabrication, 20-25 January 2007, San Jose, CA.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Effect of boundary condition on Squeeze-film damping in torsional motion of a MEMS device",
1st National Conference on Smart Structures and MEMS Systems for Aerospace Applications, 23-25 November 2006, Hyderabad.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Squeeze-film damping characterization of a MEMS resonator",
1st National Conference on Smart Structures and MEMS Systems for Aerospace Applications, 23-25 November 2006, Hyderabad.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Intrinsic Damping in Thin MEMS/ NEMS Structures",
," International Conference on Nano Science and Technology 2006 (ICONSAT 2006),PP.355-55, 16-18 March 2006, New Delhi.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, Sameer Gupta, and Rudra Pratap,
"Modeling of thermoelastic damping in complex MEMS/NEMS structures",
8th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO2006): 245-55, 20-25 August 2006, Bangalore.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results of Squeeze-film Damping in Micro Cantilever Beam",
ANSYS India conference, 9-10 August 2006 Bangalore.
Ashok Kumar Pandey, and Rudra Pratap,
"Studies In Nonlinear Effects of Squeeze Film Damping in MEMS Structures",
2nd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, December 2003, Singapore.
- Rudra Pratap and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Energy Dissipation, Squeeze Film Damping, and Quality Factor in Microstructures", Invited paper in the INAE Conference on Nanotechnology, 22-23 Dec. 2003, Chandigarh, India.
Last updated on July, 2021