Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Artificial Intelligence
Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
CS 310, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Kandi, Sangareddy 502 284
Telangana, INDIA
Email: (First name)(Middle Initial)(Last Name Initial)-at-(domain)
Research Interests
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Explainable AI, Reasoning.
If you want to know more….
NPTEL Online Course on “Deep Learning for Computer Vision”
Recent News
Currently on leave, at Microsoft Research India
(Dec 2023): Three papers accepted at AAAI 2024. Congratulations to Gowtham, Sandesh, Saketh, Harsharaj and Benin! One of the papers is joint work with Honeywell, and another with Microsoft Research India. Please see details here.
(Jul 2023): Dr Joseph receives his PhD degree at the IIT-H Convocation. Very well-deserved! Congratulations also to the various medal-winnners from our group: Karthik Balaji (BTech CSE), Krishn Vishwas Kher (BTech ES), Tarun Ram Menta (BTech AI), Vaasudev Narayanan (MTech CSE), Vimal K B (MTech AI), and Amlan Jyoti (MTech in Data Science)!
(Jul 2022): 3 papers accepted at ECCV 2022, please see details here. Congratulations to Joseph, Arjun, Surgan, Yash and Arghya!
(Jun 2022): Grateful for the Best Paper Award Honorable Mention recognition at the Continual Learning (CLVISION) workshop at CVPR 2022. Congratulations to Joseph and our collaborators at Google Research – Gaurav, Sujoy, Piyush, Soma, Kai.
(Mar 2022): 4 papers accepted at CVPR 2022, please see details here. Congratulations to Anirban, Joseph, Anindya, Monish, Sriranjani, Nishant, Hari Chandana, Sumitra and Shivam!
(Sep 2021): Two papers accepted at NeurIPS 2021, please see details here. Congratulations to Sandesh, Anindya, Anirban and Sowrya!
(Mar 2021): Grateful for the recognition as Outstanding Reviewer at ICLR 2021, credit to the excellent subreviewers in our group - Arghya, Puneet, Anindya, Sai Vikas and Rahul - for all the support.
(Dec 2020): Two papers accepted at AAAI 2021. Congratulations to Ravi, Yash, Rahul, Anindya, Anirban!
Please visit this link for our complete news archive.