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Best Poster Awards to PhD students (9 Numbers from 2015 to 2025)

Students Award/Fellowship
-Mr. Amitkumar Girbide (R. No: CY21RESCH01003) has received the Wiley VCH-Chemistry A European Journal best poster
award from the International Conference on Main Group Molecules to Materials-III, held at IIT Bombay, India from 09th-12th Feb. 2025.
-Mr. Nandeshwar Muneshwar Giridhar (R. No: CY18Resch11007) has received the American Chemical Society-Organometallics best poster
award from the International Conference on Main Group Molecules to Materials-II, held at NISER Bhubaneswar, India from 13th-15th Dec 2021.
-Mr. V. Moulali's work on Chalcogen Bonding Induced Tetraselenides from Twisted Diselenides
(European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 25, 2403-2407.) has be featured #OnTheCover and therefore made it into #MyFavouriteEurJIC #TopAuthors
by the Editor of European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry in 2021.
-Mr. Mannaem Adinarayana has received the TEEP-KMU internship fellowship from KMU, Taiwan, 2020.
-Mr. Muneshwar Nandeshwar has received the internship fellowship from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Feb-2020 to March 2020
-Mr. M. Maruthupandi has received the TEEP-KMU internship fellowship from KMU, Taiwan, April 2019
-Mr. Gembali Raju has received the Best Poster Award from National Symposium on Materials in Healthcare, 6th-8th Sept. 2018.
-Mr. V. Moulali has received the JASSO internship fellowship from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Oct-2018 to Dec 2018
-Mr. V. Moulali has received the JASSO internship fellowship from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Dec-2017 to Jan 2018
-A. Sathyanarayana has received the Ritsumeikan University Post-Doc Fellowship from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Feb 2017.
-Mr. Katam Srinivas has received the JASSO internship fellowship from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Nov-2016 to Jan 2017
-Mr. V. Moulali has received the travel grant from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, to attend the SOFT/HARD 2017 confence at Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Jan-2017
-Mr. Katam Srinivas has received the JASSO internship fellowship from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Feb 2016 to Apr 2016
-Mr. Katam Srinivas has received the travel grant from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, to attend the SOFT/HARD 2016 confence at Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Jan-2017
-Mr. Ch. Nagababu has received the DAAD-DST PPP fellowship to visit Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, July-2016
-Mr. Katam Srinivas has received the DAAD-DST PPP fellowship to visit Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, July-2016
-Mr. Katam Srinivas has received the Dalton Transactions Best Poster Award from Frontiers in Inorganic and Organometallics
Organize by IIT Indore, April 14-15, 2016
-Ch. Naga Babu has received the Best Poster Award from CRSI Emerging Trends in Chemistry, February 18-20, 2016, CRSI-MKU, (Among 84 posters).
-Mr. Gembali Raju has received the Best Poster Award from 10th Mid-year CRSI Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI Mid-2015), NIT Trichy, 23rd to 25th July 2015 (Among 324 posters).
-Ch. Naga Babu has received the Best Poster Award from CRSI-NSC-17, 06th-08th Feb 2015 (Among 600 posters).
Research Excellence Awards
-Ch. Naga Babu has received the Research Excellence Award from IIT Hyderabad, March 2016.
-Mr. Katam Srinivas has received the Research Excellence Award from IIT Hyderabad, March 2016.
-Dr. Paladugu Suresh has received the Research Excellence Award from IIT Hyderabad, March 2016.
-Dr. Arruri Sathyanarayana has received the Research Excellence Award from IIT Hyderabad, March 2016.
-Project based Personnel Exchange Programme Fellowship has been Granted by DST-DAAD (DST-DAAD PPP-2015, Indo-German).
-Ch. Naga Babu has received the Research Excellence Award from IIT Hyderabad, March 2015.
-A. Sathyanarayana has received the Research Excellence Award from IIT Hyderabad, March 2015.