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Dr. Rakesh Kumar Rai

BSc: Gauhati University, Assam (2012, Chemistry)

MSc: Gauhati University, Assam (2014 Chemistry)

PhD: Shiv Nadar University, Dadri, UP (2020) (Research Advisor: Dr. Gouriprasanna Roy)

RA: IIT-Tirupati, AP (2020-2024)

IITH-iPDF: IIT Hyderabad, TS (May 2024-)

Awards: IITH-iPDF (2024), GATE (2015), GATE (2016), International travel support from SERB-DST (2019), Best Poster award in B. Borooah College (2010), IAS Summer Research Fellowship Programme (2012),

Research Interest: Coinage-Metal-NHC based OLED Materials



Number of Publications: 11

Ph.D., Scholars

Mr. Dinesh Harijan

BSc: Beharampur University, Odisha (2016, Chemistry, 71.05%)

MSc: Sambalpur University, Odisha (2018, Chemistry, 69.1%)

PhD: IIT Hyderabad, Jan. 2020- (Jointly under Prof. Aravind Kumar Rengan, Department of Biomedical Engineering)

Qualified: CSIR-JRF (Rank-117)-2019 & GATE-2019 (Rank-7079, Score-236)

Research Interest: Organometallic and Medicinal Chemistry


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3276-4887

Number of Publications: 8

Mr. Amitkumar Girbide

BSc: Dr.BAMU, Aurangabad (Govt. CollegeofArtand Science, Aurangabad) (2015, Chemistry, 79.74%)

MSc: Dr.BAMU, Aurangabad (2018, Chemistry, 6.86%)

PhD: IIT Hyderabad, Jan. 2021-

Qualified: CSIR-UGC JRF (Rank-127)-2019

Research Interest: Organometallic and Medicinal Chemistry


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3686-9854

Number of Publications: 2

Mr. Gopendra Muduli (R. No: CY21Resch11005)

BSc: Department of Chemistry, Buxi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar Autonomous College,Bhubaneswar (Utkal University) (2017)

MSc: School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad (2019)

PhD: IIT Hyderabad, Aug. 2021-

Qualified: GATE-2021, PMRF-2022

Research Interest: Organometallic Route to Nano Materials


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9760-0699

Number of Publications: 3

Ms. Kalyani Eswar (R. No: ID22Resch11002)

B.Tech.: Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering (Affiliated to Anna University), Sriperumbudur. (2012-2016)

M.Tech.: Molecular Medicine, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi (2016-2018)

PhD: IIT Hyderabad, Aug. 2022- (Jointly under Prof. Aravind Kumar Rengan, Department of Biomedical Engineering)


Research Interest: Cancer Nanotheranostics


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2989-0575

Number of Publications: 4

Mr. Joginder Singh

B.Sc.: Chemistry, Govt. National College, Sirsa. (2018)

M.Sc.: Chemistry, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (2020)

PhD: JRF, IIT Hyderabad, Jan. 2023-

Qualified: CSIR-NET/JRF (2022), UGC-JRF (2022), & GATE-2022

Research Interest: Organo-Coinage-Materials and Their Applications


ORCID ID: 0009-0004-8796-0860

Number of Publications: 1

Mr. Maddila Jagapathi Rao (R. No: BM23Resch01003)

B.Tech.: Biotechnology,


PhD: IIT Hyderabad, JAN. 2023- (Jointly under Prof. Aravind Kumar Rengan, Department of Biomedical Engineering)


Research Interest: Nanomedicine and Drug delivery



Number of Publications: 2

Mr. Bikash Lahkar (R. No: CY23Resch11006)

B.Sc.: Chemistry (CGPA-7.31/10), Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam. (2020)

M.Sc.: Chemistry (CGPA- 8.51/10), Pondicherry University, Puducherry, TN (2022)

PhD: JRF, IIT Hyderabad, Aug. 2023-

Qualified: CRG-JRF, CSIR-LS (2023), & GATE-2022

Research Interest: Organo-Coinage-Materials and Their Applications


ORCID ID: 0009-0004-1588-623

Number of Publications: 0

Ms. Amala Lal M (R. No: CY24Resch11014)

B.Sc.: Chemistry (CGPA-9.34/10), Mar Athanasius College Autonomous Kothamangalam Kerala. (2019)

M.Sc.: Chemistry (CGPA- 7.23/10), National Institute of Technology Warangal, TG (2021)

PhD: JRF, IIT Hyderabad, Aug. 2024-

Qualified: GATE 2024, Qualified IIT JAM 2019

Research Interest: Organo-Coinage-Materials and Their Applications


ORCID ID: 0009-0003-2379-6654

Number of Publications: 0

Ms. Aishwarya Tiwari M (R. No: ht24Resch11001)

B.Sc.: Botany (CGPA-9.28/10), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. (2022)

M.Sc.: Botany (CGPA- 9.63/10), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India (2024)

PhD: JRF, IIT Hyderabad, Aug. 2024-

Achievements and Fellowships: Bayer Fellowship- MEDHA, V.S. Jaiswal Scholarship 2023-2024(Awarded to highest securing student in M.Sc. (Previous) Botany, NSP PG- Rank Holder Scholarship (University Rank II during under graduation) and GATE-XL 2023/2024 Qualified

Research Interest: Heritage Materials and Their Applications


ORCID ID: 0009-0007-4261-7171

Number of Publications: 0

Ms. Tanvi Sonpipare (R. No: id24resch11009)

B.Pharm.: (CGPA-7.92/10), RTMNU Nagpur, INDIA. (2021)

M.Tech. (Medical Devices) (CGPA- 9.54/10), National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kolkata, India (2023)

PhD: JRF, IIT Hyderabad, Aug. 2024-

Achievements and Fellowships: GPAT (2021), NIPER-JEE (2021)

Research Interest: Nano Materials and Their Applications


ORCID ID: 0009-0003-0255-6264

Number of Publications: 0

Ms. Usha Gavel (R. No: CY24Resch01010)

B.Sc.: Chemistry (74.29%), Govt. E.R.R.P>G. Science College, Bilaspur (2020)

M.Sc.: Chemistry (82.70%), Bilasa Girls P.G. College Bilaspur (2022)

PhD: DST-INSPIRE Fellowship, IIT Hyderabad, Jan. 2025-

Awards: DST-INSPIRE Scholarship-2017 & DST-INSPIRE Fellowship-2023

Research Interest: Organo-Coinage-Materials and Their Applications



Number of Publications: 0

Mr. Pragadeeswara Venkatamani G

B.Sc.: SNR Sons College - Autonomous, affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, TN -641006 (Chemistry Batch: 2016-2019, 75%)

M.Sc.: Vels Institute of Science, Technology for Advanced Studies, Chennai, TN - 600017 (Organic Chemistry Batch: 2019-2021, 83%)

Project Assistant (Feb 2024-)

Research Interest: Carbon fiber reinforced phthalonitrile composites for high temperature applications (Up to 350 C)


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1650-5252

Number of Publications: 2

MSc Students

Ms. Adhipa Das (R. No: CY23Mscst11001)

BSc (Chemistry Hons.): Visva-Bharati University, WB (2020-2023)

MSc (Chemistry): IIT Hyderabad (2023-)

Qualified: JAM-2023 (Rank: 536), GATE 2024 (AIR: 2087)

Research Interest: Coinage-Metal-NHC based OLED Materials



Mr. Samrat Kumar Bag (R. No: CY23Mscst11023)

BSc (Chemistry): AJC Bose College, University of Calcutta, WB (2020-2023)

MSc (Chemistry): IIT Hyderabad (2023-)

Qualified: JAM-2023 (Rank: 319)

Research Interest: Coinage-Metal-NHC based OLED Materials



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