Final Paper Submission Instructions
Format: Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX to format their manuscripts (although other tools to edit manuscripts like Microsoft Word are also allowed), using the standard IEEE conference specifications. Authors should use the IEEE template files, available at IEEE Manuscript Templates.
Please be reminded of the following points:
- The camera ready manuscript can have a maximum length of 6 pages and a minimum length of 3 pages in IEEE two column format.
- Minimum font size 10 points.
- Papers must be submitted as a PDF file (version at least 1.4), in A4 paper format (not US Letter).
- Margins should be no smaller than 1.7 cm for the top margin, 4.3 cm for the bottom margin, and 1.3 cm for the side margins.
- The title and authors (including the author order) in EDAS must agree with the title and authors in the PDF file.
Uploaded PDF files should be IEEE Xplore-compatible, and will be checked by EDAS. This includes the following points:
- The PDF file must have all fonts embedded.
- The uploaded PDF file should not contain bookmarks or hyperlinks.
- The manuscript should not contain page numbers, headers or footers.
- The manuscript should not contain keywords/index terms.
Copyright: An IEEE copyright form must be submitted for each accepted paper. Authors are requested to use EDAS electronic signing for the copyright form. The copyright transfer can be accomplished by clicking the blue (+) button next to 'Copyright form' in EDAS. This will take you to the IEEE electronic copyright center, where you can sign the form for your paper electronically. This step is mandatory for submission of the paper to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. No other copyright form needs to be submitted besides this eCopyright form.
IMPORTANT: Please note that your paper will be included in the program and the proceedings only if
- It meets all the above formatting requirements.
- The copyright form is submitted.
- At least one author is registered with full registration.
- The paper is presented at the conference by one of the authors.
Additional Guidelines for Preparing Camera Ready Manuscript
Checking if fonts are embedded: Here are two possible ways to check if fonts are embedded in a pdf file.
- In linux you can use 'pdffontfs' to check if all the fonts are embedded by running the command 'pdffonts mypaper.pdf' in the terminal.
- Open your pdf file in Adobe Acrobat Reader and select File->Document Properties. Under the Font tab, you should see a list of fonts. All the fonts should be listed as either "Embedded" or "Embedded Subset".
Font Embedding for LaTeX Users: Kindly check the following links
- Mathew Miller's page for comprehensive details on font embedding using Latex.
- Daniel Lemire's blog on embedding fonts for IEEE compatible manuscripts.
Font Embedding in an MS Word Document:
- Open the Word document.
- Select Tools -> Options.
- In the Options box, click the Save tab.
- Click the check mark box for Embed TrueType fonts.
- Click the check mark box for Embed characters in use only. This is the subsetting fonts function.
- Click OK.