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(Underlined name indicates B.Tech/M.Sc., students.)

  1. Amrita Mandal, Bibhas Adhikari and M. Rajesh Kannan, On the eigenvalue region of permutative doubly stochastic matrices of order up to 4, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 51 (2025), no. 1, Paper No. 4.
  2. M. Rajesh Kannan, Shivaramakrishna Pragada and Hitesh Wankhede, Constructing cospectral graphs by unfolding non-bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 357 (2024) 264-273.
  3. Aniruddha Samanta and M. Rajesh Kannan, Bounds and extremal graphs for the energy of complex unit gain graphs, Accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and its Applications (2024).
  4. Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, Minimizers for the energy of eccentricity matrices of trees, Linear Multilinear Algebra 73 (2025), no. 1, 49-66.
  5. Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, A note on the distance and distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of complements of trees, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 675(2023), 344-350.
  6. Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, Extremal problems for the eccentricity matrices of complements of trees, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Volume 39, pp. 339-354, June 2023.
  7. Aniruddha Samanta and M. Rajesh Kannan, On the spectrum of complex unit gain graph, Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 39, No.2 (2024) 131-142.
  8. Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, Squared distance matrices of trees with matrix weights , AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, no. 2, vol. 20(2023), 177-184.
  9. M. Rajesh Kannan and Shivaramakrishna Pragada, Signed spectral Turan type theorems, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 663(2023), 62-79.
  10. Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, On the eccentricity matrices of trees: Inertia and spectral symmetry, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 345, Issue 11, November 2022, 113067.
  11. M. Rajesh Kannan, Shivaramakrishna Pragada and Hitesh Wankhede, On the construction of cospectral nonisomorphic bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 345, Issue 8, August 2022, 112916.
  12. M. Rajesh Kannan, Navish Kumar and Shivaramakrishna Pragada , Normalized Laplacians for Gain Graphs, American Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 1 (2022), Pages 20-39.
  13. Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, Eccentricity energy change of complete multipartite graphs due to edge deletion, Special Matrices, (10)2022, 193-202. (Special Issue: Contemporary Spectral Graph Theory)
  14. Iswar Mahato, R. Gurusamy, M. Rajesh Kannan and S. Arockiaraj, On the spectral radius and the energy of eccentricity matrix of a graph, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, (71)2023, 5-15.
  15. Aniruddha Samanta and M. Rajesh Kannan, Gain distance matrices for complex unit gain graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 345 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 112634, 12pp.
  16. Mainak Basunia, Iswar Mahato and M. Rajesh Kannan, On the Aα-spectra of some join graphs, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 44 (2021) , 4269-4297.
  17. M. Rajesh Kannan, Navish Kumar and Shivaramakrishna Pragada, Bounds for the extremal eigenvalues of gain Laplacian matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 625 (2021), 212-240.
  18. Projesh Nath Choudhury, M. Rajesh Kannan and Apoorva Khare, Sign non-reversal property for totally positive matrices and testing total positivity on their interval hull, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society , 53 (2021), no. 4, 981-990.
  19. Projesh Nath Choudhury and M. Rajesh Kannan, Interval hulls of N-matrices and almost P-matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 617 (2021), 27-38.
  20. Aniruddha Samanta and M. Rajesh Kannan, Bounds for the energy of a complex unit gain graph, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 612 (2021), 1-29.
  21. Himadri Lal Das and M. Rajesh Kannan, On dense subsets of matrices with distinct eigenvalues and distinct singular values, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Vol. 36(2020), pp. 834-846.
  22. M. Rajesh Kannan and Shivaramakrishna Pragada , On the construction of cospectral graphs for the adjacency and the normalized Laplacian matrices, Accepted for publication in Linear and Multilinear Algebra.
  23. Iswar Mahato, R. Gurusamy, M. Rajesh Kannan and S. Arockiaraj, Spectra of eccentricity matrices of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285 (2020), 252-260.
  24. Ranjit Mehatari, M. Rajesh Kannan and Aniruddha Samanta, On the adjacency matrix of a complex unit gain graph, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), no.9, 1798-1813.
  25. Ranjit Mehatari and M. Rajesh Kannan, Eigenvalue bounds for some classes of matrices associated with graphs, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 71, no. 1 (2021), pp. 231-251.
  26. Fouzul Atik, M. Rajesh Kannan and R.B. Bapat, On distance and Laplacian matrices of trees with matrix weights, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 69 (2021), no. 14, 2607-2619.
  27. Fouzul Atik, R.B. Bapat and M. Rajesh Kannan, Resistance matrices of graphs with matrix weights, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 571 (2019), 41-57.
  28. Projesh Nath Choudhury, M. Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, A note on linear preservers on semipositive and minimal semipositive matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Volume 34(2018), pp. 687-694.
  29. Projesh Nath Choudhury, M. Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, New contributions to semipositive and minimally semipositive matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Volume 34(2018), pp. 35-53.
  30. M. Rajesh Kannan, P-proper splittings, Aequationes Mathematicae, 91(2017), no. 4, 619-633.
  31. Hongwei Jin, M. Rajesh Kannan and Minru Bai, Lower and upper bounds for H-eigenvalues of even order real symmetric tensors, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65 (2017), no. 7, 1402-1416.
  32. M.Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, On Certain Positivity Classes of Operators, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 37 (2016), no. 2, 206-224.
  33. M. Rajesh Kannan, Naomi Shaked-Monderer and Abraham Berman, On weakly irreducible nonnegative tensors and interval hull of some classes of tensors, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 63 (2016), no. 4, 667-679.
  34. M. Rajesh Kannan, Naomi Shaked-Monderer and Abraham Berman, Some properties of strong H-tensors and general H-tensors, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 476 (2015), 42-55.
  35. Naomi Shaked-Monderer, Abraham Berman, Mirjam Dür and M. Rajesh Kannan, SPN completable graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 498(2016), 58-73.
  36. M.Rajesh Kannan and R.B. Bapat, Generalized Principal Pivot Transform, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 454(2014), 49-56.
  37. M.Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, Intervals of Certain Classes of Z-matrices, Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications 34 ( 2014 ), no. 1, 85-93.
  38. M.Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, P+-matrices: A generalization of P-matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 62 (2014), no. 1, 1-12.
  39. M.Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, Moore-Penrose inverse positivity of interval matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 436 (2012), no. 3, 571-578.


  1. Projesh Nath Choudhury, M. Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, Bounds for a solution set of linear complementarity problems over Hilbert spaces, preprint.
  2. Projesh Nath Choudhury, M. Rajesh Kannan and K.C. Sivakumar, P-operators over ordered Banach spaces, preprint.
  3. M. Rajesh Kannan and Stephen Kirkland, Minimizing the Kemeny constant of trees with the given degree sequence, preprint.