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I am M. Rajesh Kannan, assistant professor in the department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. My areas of interest include Combinatorics, Spectral graph theory and Matrix theory. You can find my recent CV here.

Seminars, Workshops

Awards/Sponsored Projects

  1. Project Title : Spectral theory of signed graphs(2024-)
    Sponsor : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) , Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (under the scheme "Core Research Grant (CRG)").
  2. International Travel Grant (2023)
    Sponsor : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) , Department of Science and Technology, Government of India .
  3. Excellent Young Teacher Award 2020, IIT Kharagpur.(Cash Prize: 2,00,000 INR )
  4. Project Title :Spectrum and structure of graphs (2023-2025)
    Sponsor : SRC, IIT Hyderabad.
  5. Project Title : Semipositive, Minimal Semipositive Matrices and their Extensions (2019-2022)
    Sponsor : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) , Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (under the scheme "Mathematical Research Impact-Centric Support (Matrics))
  6. Project Title : Spectral Techniques to Characterize Graphs (2017-2018)
    Sponsor : SERB National Post doctoral fellowship (Mentor) sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, India. (Supervised Dr Ranjit Mehatari)
  7. Project Title : Some problems in spectral graph theory and matrix theory (2018-2021)
    Sponsor : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) , Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (under the scheme "Early Career Research (ECR) Award").
  8. Project Title : Linear Complementarity Problems Over Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces (2017-2020)
    Sponsor : ISIRD, SRIC, IIT Kharagpur