Funded Projects

Ongoing projects

Sl.No Title Role Funded by Cost
1 Development of a frameless BLDC drive and control software for a 2-axis gimbal mechanism PI Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad ₹ 5,73,000
2 Design of a DSP and FPGA based control platform for a traction drive PI BHEL-EDN, Bangalore ₹ 17,50,000
3 Development of a low voltage PMSM based marine propulsion drive system PI BHEL R&D Center, Hyderabad ₹ 17,80,000
4 Dynamic beam engineering technology development for laser assisted advanced manufacturing system Co-PI DRDO ₹ 6,26,54,000
5 Development of an unsteady wind tunnel facility for simulating flight relevant flow conditions for a nano UAV Co-PI DRDO ₹ 2,70,12,600

Completed projects

Sl.No Title Role Funded by Cost
1 Hybrid inverter topology using Si-IGBTs and SiC-MOSFETs for motor drive applications PI IITH Seed Grant ₹ 24,86,000
2 A current source inverter fed six phase induction motor drive for electric traction applications PI SERB ₹ 32,97,000