- Scanning Probe Microscopy (with temperature and magnetic field tunability)
- Magneto-optic Kerr Effect ( Hysteresis loop and imaging )
- VSM (Temperature variation and other external tunability)
- Electrical Transport Measurements
- Powder and Thin film XRD (with temperature attachment)
- Optical 3D Profilometer
- Projection Lithography (with probe station)
- UV- Visible Spectrophotometer
- Spin Coating
- CVD Growth
- DC and RF Sputtering (along with Thermal evaporation)
- E-beam evaporation
- Electrodepostion
- Dielectric Measurements, XPS (RRCAT)
- XMCD (at International Synchrotron Facility)
- Neutron Reflectivity (at BARC)
- Time-resolved MOKE (in collaboration with SN Bose, Kolkata)
- Ion- beam Modification (using IUAC Delhi Facility)
- LT-MFM (using CSR, Indore)
- Magnetic Measurements (DMRL, DRDO)
- THz Measurements (TIFR)
- Magnetotransport (TIFR)
- Workstations for Micromagnetic simulations, Atomistic Modeling
- Upcoming Facility: at IITH for our use
- TEM, E-beam Lithography, fs-Laser and many more