Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty
Dept. of
Physics, IIT
Academic Block B-216
Sangareddy, 502285.
jmohanty at phy.iith.ac.in
Our research focuses on magnetic materials and their possible
applications. We prepare and tune magnetic films for their
applications. In order to acheive our goal we employ various
experimental and modeling tools to undestand the formations and
behavior of magnetic system at nanoscale. We are constantly looking for
motivated Ph.D/Postdocs to join our group. If you are excited about our
research and want to work with us, then please contact us. Regarding
Ph.D application one can follow IITH website for more details.
Candidate with JRF (CSIR/UGC) are encouraged to apply for our Ph.D
program. We support externally funded (DST/SERB/other agency)
candidates for postdoc applications.