Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Transportation Systems Engineering), IIT Bombay, Mumbai (2012-2015)
“Modeling Crossing Behavior of Drivers and Pedestrians at Uncontrolled Intersections and Mid-block Crossings.” Advisor: Prof. Gopal R. Patil.
Microscopic analysis of different traffic parameters such as speed, acceleration-deceleration, gap acceptance, Conflict Points and vehicle trajectory at the intersection.
Analyze the vehicle/driver and pedestrian behavior while crossing uncontrolled intersections and mid-block crossings respectively, which involves quantifying driver and pedestrian gap acceptance and gap rejection behavior.
Study the dilemma of crossing vehicles and pedestrians and Quantitatively modeling location and length of the dilemma zone at uncontrolled intersections for vehicles and at uncontrolled mid-block crossings for pedestrians.
M.Tech. in Civil Engineering (Transportation Systems Engineering), IIT Bombay, Mumbai (2010-2012)
“ System Level Traffic Accident Analysis and Developing GIS Based Decision Support for Mumbai City. ” Advisor: Prof. Gopal R. Patil.
Identification and detailed analysis of accident black spots.
Geocoding of accidents on a GIS platform.
B.E in Civil Engineering WCE, Sangli (2005-2009)
“Housing Design a New Perspective.” Advisor: Prof. V D Salkar.