Mr. U. M. Kannan
Research project: Mechanical break junctions/Solar cells
MHRD - Institute Scholar
1. Dr. Venkata narayana (Presently as faculty, IIIT Idupulupaya)
Thesis title: Magnetic and optical studies of some nanostructured materials for various applications
2. Dr. Ganesh Kotnana (Going to join as a postdoc at Upsala University, Sweden)
Thesis title: Magnetic properties and their correlation with lattice dynamics in HoFe1-xCrxO3 compounds
M.Sc Projects
1. Mr. Kamalesh Jana: Presently pursuing PhD at TIFR, Mumbai
2. Mr. Manodeep Mondal: Presently pursuing PhD at JNCASR, Bangalore
3. Mr. Krishnapada das
4. M. D. Sreeveni
B. Tech
1. Mr. Prafulla kumar gupta: Presently pursuing PhD at NUS, Singapore, Center for Advanced 2D Materials
Mr. Dwipak Prasad Sahu
Research project: Resistive switching random access memory
(DST - Inspire scholar)
Mr. Apu Kumar Jana
Research project: Magnetic thin films/sensors
MHRD Institute Scholar
Mr. Bhibuti Bhusan Nayak
Research project: Magneto-transport of 2D materials/Biosensors
CSIR Scholar
Magnetic Materials and Device Physics Laboratory
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad