Sumohana S. Channappayya

CV, Publications
Due to the large volume of internship-related emails, I regret not being able to respond individually. Students interested in interning at IITH are encouraged to look at the SURE program.
Research Interests
Image and Video Quality Assessment, Machine Learning
Research Group
Lab for Video and Image Analysis (LFOVIA)
AI3603: Computer Vision (3 credits), Spring 2025
Recent News
- (21.12.2024) PhD scholar Anuradha Uggi's work on designing a training-free adapter for multimodal image matching accepted to ICASSP 2025.
- (08.11.2024) BTech student Lokesh Badisa is a recipient of the IndiaAI Fellowship from the Government of India.
- (17.09.2024) PhD scholar Suresh Kumar Amalapuram (advised by Prof. Arjun Reddy and co-advised by SSC) successfully defended his thesis.
- EE605, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, Kandi, TS - 502284
- Email: firstname 'at' ee dot iith dot ac dot in