Course Material for EE2100: Matrix Theory (Fall 2023)

Notes and Scribble

The Scribble and the Notes are intended for quick reference\review. Notes and Scribble are by no means a complete source and infact are based on the suggested textbooks\references. It is highly recommended that the students also refer to the suggested textbooks\references.

Lec. (Date) Topics Covered Logistics
1 (31/07) Introduction [ Scribble ]
  • Course overview

  • Applications of Matrices

2 (02/08) Vectors and Elementary Operations on Vectors [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Vectors and their properties

  • Elementary operations on Vectors: Vector Addition, Scalar Multiplication

  • Dot Product

3 (03/08) Norm and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Geometrical Interpretation of a Vector and Dot Product

  • Norm and its Geometrical Interpretation

  • Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

4 (07/08) Projection [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Angle between vectors

  • Projection

5 (09/08) Vector Space [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Binary Operation and Field

  • Vector Space

6 (10/08) Subspace and Span [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Few identities of Vector Space

  • Supspace of a Vector Space

  • Linear combination and Span

HW01 out (11/08)
7 (14/08) Linear Independence, Spanning Set and Basis [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Span as a subspace

  • Linear independence

  • Spanning set and Basis

8 (16/08) Dimension of a Subspace [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Dimension of a Subspace

  • Theorems related to dimension of a Subspace

9 (17/08) Orthogonal Basis [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Orthogonal Basis

  • Coordinate vector

  • Representation of a vector in Orthogonal Basis

HW02 out (18/08)
10 (21/08) Generation of Orthogonal Basis [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Grahm Schmidt Algorithm

  • Projection of a Vector onto a Subspace

HW01 due (21/08)
11 (23/08) Projection of a Vector onto a Subspace [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Projection of a vector onto a Subspace

  • Introduction to k-Means clustering

12 (24/08) k-Means clustering [ Scribble ]
  • k-Means clustering

  • Convergence Aspects

HW03 out (25/08)
13 (28/08) Introduction to Matrices [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Introduction to Matrices

  • Elementary Matrix Operations

HW02 due (21/08)
14 (30/08) Matrix Vector Product [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Matrix Vector Product

  • Introduction to Linear Transformation

15 (31/08) Linear Transformation and Matrices [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Linear Transformations and Transformation Matrices

  • Transformation matrices in 2D (mathcal{R}^2rightarrowmathcal{R}^2)

HW04 out (01/09)
16 (04/09) Inverse of a Matrix [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Matrix Multiplication

  • Elementary Row operations and Matrix Multiplication

HW03 due (04/09)
17 (06/09) Matrix Multiplication [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Matrix Vector Product

  • Introduction to Linear Transformation

18 (07/08) Fundamental Subspaces [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • System of Linear Equations

  • Fundamental Subspaces of a Matrix

HW05 out (08/09)
19 (11/09) Rank-Nullity Theorem [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Rank and Nullity of a Matrix

  • Rank-Nullity Theorem

20 (13/09) Gaussian Elimination [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Back-Substitution to solve mathbf{U}mathbf{x}=mathbf{b}

  • Forward-Elimination

HW04 due (13/09)
21 (14/09) Gaussian Elimination [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Gaussian Elimination for Characterizing Null Space

  • Inconsistent system of linear equations

HW06 out (15/09)
22 (18/09) LU Decomposition [ Scribble ]
  • Introduction to LU decomposition

  • Elementary row operations and lower triangular matrices

HW05 due (18/09)
23 (20/09) LU Decomposition [ Scribble ]
  • Inverse of lower triangular matrices corresponding to elementary row operations

  • LU decomposition and solving system of linear equations

24 (21/09) Overdetermined System of linear equations [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Overdetermined system of linear equations

  • Projection Matrix

HW07 out (22/09)
25 (25/09) Linear Regression [ Notes ]
  • Overview of Regression

  • Linear Regression

HW06 due (26/09)
HW08 out (29/09)
26 (04/10) Trace and Determinant [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Trace of a Matrix

  • Introduction to Determinant of a Matrix

HW07 due (03/10)
27 (05/10) Determinant of a Matrix [ Notes ]
  • Determinant of a Matrix

  • Computation of Determinant

HW09 out (06/10)
28 (09/10) Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors [ Notes ]
  • Introduction to Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

29 (11/10) Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors [ Notes ]
  • Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of Real and Symmetric Matrices

  • LU decomposition and solving system of linear equations

30 (12/10) Spectral Theorem [ Notes ]
  • Quadratic Forms

  • Rayleigh Quotient

HW10 out (15/10)
31 (16/10) Positive Definite Matrices [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Quadratic Forms

  • Positive and Negative definite/semidefinite matrices

HW08 due (16/10)
32 (18/10) QR Decomposition [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Grahm Schmidt and QR Decomposition

  • Householder Transformation

33 (19/10) Cholesky Decomposition [ Scribble ]
  • Decomposition of Positive semidefinite Matrices

  • Cholesky Decomposition

HW11 out (20/10)
HW09 due (23/10)
34 (30/10) Decompositions and Solving Systems of Linear Equations
  • Cholesky Decomposition and Solving System of Linear Equations

  • Dolittle Method for LU Decomposition

35 (01/11) Singular Value Decomposition [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Introduction to Singular Value Decomposition

  • Singular Values and Singular Vectors

36 (02/11) Norm of a Matrix [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Representation of Matrix as a Sum of Rank-1 Matrices

  • Norm of a matrix

HWs 10&11 due (03/11)
HW12 out (04/11)
37 (06/11) Condition Number of a Matrix [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Significance of Condition Number

  • Condition Number of a Matrix

38 (08/11) Principal Component Analysis
  • Need for dimensionality reduction

  • Mean and Variance of Data sets.

39 (09/11) Principal Component Analysis
  • Role of Singular Values in Principal Component Analysis

  • Algorithm for dimensionality reduction

HW13 out (10/11)
HW 12 due (14/11)
40 (15/11) Jordan Forms [ Scribble ]
  • Defective Matrices

  • Generalized Eigen Values

  • Jordan Forms

41 (20/11) Similar Matrices [ Scribble ]
  • Notion of Similarity between Matrices.

  • Properties of Similar Matrices.

HW14 out (19/10)
HW 13 due (20/11)
HW14 due (29/11)