Course Material for AI2100: Convex Optimization (Spring 2024)

Lecture Notes and Classroom Scribble

The classroom scribble and the lecture notes are intended for quick reference\review. Lecture notes and classroom scribble are by no means a complete source and infact are based on the suggested textbooks\references. It is highly recommended that the students also refer to the suggested textbooks\references.

Lec. (Date) Topics Covered Logistics
01 (01 Jan) Introduction
  • Course overview

02 (02 Jan) Single Variable Optimization [ Notes ]
  • Overview of concepts in Single Variable Optimization

03 (05 Jan) Algorithms for Single Variable Optimization [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Overview of Search Space Reduction Techniques

  • Introduction to Golden Section Search

04 (08 Jan) Algorithms for Single Variable Optimization [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Golden Section Search

05 (09 Jan) Algorithms for Single Variable Optimization [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • The Bisection Search

06 (12 Jan) Algorithms for Single Variable Optimization [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Newton's Method for Unconstrained Single Variable Optimization

07 (16 Jan) Algorithms for Single Variable Optimization [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Secant Method for Unconstrained Single Variable Optimization

  • Newton's method for solving Nonlinear Equations

08 (18 Jan) Linear and Affine Combination [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Linear and Affine Combination

  • Subspace and Affine Hull

HW01 out (20 Jan)
09 (22 Jan) Affine and Convex Combination [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Affine Sets and their Properties

  • Convex Hull

10 (29 Jan) Convex Sets and Convex Hull [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Convex Sets and their properties

  • Algorithms for finding the convex hull

HW01 due (30 Jan)
11 (01 Feb) Function of Multiple Variables [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Function of Multiple Variables

  • Linear and Affine Functions

HW02 out (07 Feb)
HW03 out (09 Feb)
12 (12 Feb) Convex Functions [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Convex Functions

  • Review of Limit and Derivative of a function of single variable

13 (15 Feb) Derivative of a function of single variable [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Derivative as an existence of affine approximation

14 (16 Feb) Derivative of a function of Multiple Variables [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Derivative of a function of Multiple Variables

  • Gradient, Hessian, and Jacobian

HW04 out (18 Feb)
15 (19 Feb) Directional Derivative and the Gradient [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Approximations and the Chain Rule

  • Directional Derivative and the Gradient

HW02 due (19 Feb)
HW03 due (19 Feb)
16 (20 Feb) Conditions for Convexity [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Feasible Directions

  • First and Second Order Conditions for Convexity

17 (23 Feb) Optimality Conditions [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Taylor's Series Expansion

  • First and Second Order Conditions for Optimality

HW05 out (23 Feb)
18 (26 Feb) Optimality Conditions [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Second Order Sufficient Condition for Optimality

  • General Framework of Optimization Algorithms

19 (27 Feb) Linear Programming and Newton's Method [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Overview of Linear Programming

  • Newton's Method

HW04 due (28 Feb)
20 (01 Mar) Solving System of Nonlinear Equations [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Quadratic Forms

  • Newton's Method for Solving System of Nonlinear equations

HW06 out (03 Mar)
21 (04 Mar) State Estimation [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Overview of State Estimation

  • Gauss Newton Method

HW05 due (04 Mar)
22 (05 Mar) Descent based Approaches [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Descent Direction

  • Descent Direction based Approaches to Compute Optima

23 (08 Mar) Gradient Descent Approach [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Gradient Descent Approach

  • An interesting Example

HW07 out (09 Mar)
24 (11 Mar) Steepest Descent Algorithm [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Steepest Descent Approach

  • Use of Steepest Descent to Solve System of Linear Equations

25 (13 Mar) Other Descent based Approaches [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Newton's Method as a Version of the Gradient Descent

HW06 due (13 Mar)
26 (15 Mar) Conjugate Directions and Linear Equations [ Scribble ]
  • Conjugate Directions

  • Using Conjugate Directions to solve a system of Sparse Symmetric Linear Equations

HW08 out (16 Mar)
27 (18 Mar) Conjugate Gradient and Linear Equations [ Scribble ]
  • Conjugate Gradient

  • Using Conjugate Gradient to solve a system of Sparse Symmetric Linear Equations

28 (19 Mar) Optimization with Constraints [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Overview of Optimization Problems with Constraints

  • Intutional understanding of Lagrange Condition

HW07 due (19 Mar)
29 (22 Mar) Optimization with Constraints [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Intutional understanding of Lagrange Condition

  • First and Second order Optimality Conditions

HW09 out (26 Feb)
30 (01 Apr) Lagrange Condition [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Regular Point

  • Lagrange Condition

31 (02 Apr) Lagrange Condition [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Proof of Lagrange Condition

32 (05 Apr) Optimization with Inequality Constraints [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Introduction to optimization Problems with Inequality Constraints

HW10 out (07 Feb)
HW08 due (08 Apr)
33 (09 Apr) Optimization with Inequality Constraints [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • KKT Conditions

  • Examples

34 (12 Apr) Optimization with Inequality Constraints [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Proof of Sufficiency of KKT Conditions

35 (16 Apr) Optimization with Constraints [ Scribble | Notes ]
  • Examples

HW09 due (04 May)
HW10 due (04 May)