- Open-WBO won 1 gold and 1 silver at the MaxSAT 2018 evaluations.
- Paper on "Approximation Strategies for Incomplete MaxSAT" accepted at CP 2018.
- Open-WBO won 2 gold and 1 silver at the MaxSAT 2017 evaluations.
- Paper on "On the Tractability of (k,i)-coloring" accepted in CALDAM 2018
- DST Early Career Research Award (ECRA) 2017
- Paper on "Precise Predictive Analysis for Discovering Communication Deadlocks in MPI Programs" accepted in TOPLAS
- Paper accepted at FM 2016.
- Open-WBO-LSU using GTE ranked second on DEC-SMALLINT-LIN (decision benchmarks) and third on OPT-SMALLINT-LIN (optimization benchmarks) in PB'16 competition.
- 2LS (aka summarizer) wins gold in SVCOMP 2016 for floating point category.
- Paper published at JSAT in special issue on SAT 2014 competitions and evaluations.
- Paper published at PPoPP 2016 (Acceptance rate: 19.2%).
Last Modified at : Mon Aug 13 10:09:32 IST 2018