Magnetoelectric (ME) composites, comprising of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric phases, can be engineered for magnetic field sensing applications. The group focuses on single phase multiferroic epilayers and magnetoelectric nano composites

Piezoelectric materials has the ability to generate voltage when mechanical stress is applied which makes them a potential candidate for energy harvesting applications. The group mainly focuses on strain engineering and defect induced effects on ferroic domains of morphotropic compositions in lead free ferroelectric thin films which can be used as a vibrational energy harvester.

Polymer and hybrid nanocomposites can be employed in flexible sensors, actuators, wearable energy harvesters and flexible electronic devices. The group has been working on fabrication of PVDF / BFO hybrid nanocomposite for flow sensing and energy harvesting.

PVDF/BFO composite based harvester with varying weight percentage of BFO was developed and tested with the help of pressurized gas flow. A maximum voltage of ~5V was generated by planar harvester based on 6wt.% PVDF/BFO film when subjected to a gas/air pressure of 100 kPa.

Phase change materials has the property of reversible, quick transformation between amorphous and crystalline states on a nanosecond timescale triggered by an optical or electrical stimulus hence PCM devices could be used for non volatile electronic memory storage. The group has been working on studying threshold switching properties of GeTe6 thin films.

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