Error Correcting Codes (EE5350) : Aug-Dec 2024.

  • Instructor

    • Myna Vajha

  • Timings and Venue

    • Slot F: Tue: 11am-12pm, Wed: 2.30-4pm, Fri: 10-11am

    • A221

  • Office Hours

    • Fri: 12-1pm

  • Teaching Assistants (TBD)

  • Outline (Tentative)

    • Basics of binary codes: block length, Hamming weight, minimum distance, rate

    • Mathematical Preliminaries: Group, Ring, Field, Vector Spaces

    • Linear block codes: generator and parity check matrices

    • Bounds on code sizes: Hamming, Gilbert-Varshamov, Singleton bounds

    • MDS codes: Reed Solomon Codes, Systematic Encoding of RS codes

    • Applications to Learning: Straggler Mitigation

      • Distributed Gradient Computation

      • Distributed Matrix Multiplication ( Polynomial Codes)

      • Distributed Polynomial Computation

    • Decoding Linear Block Codes

      • Standard Array, ML, MAP decoder

    • Channel coding theorem (time permitting)

    • Generalized Distributive Law

      • LDPC codes

      • Belief Propagation/ Message Passing decoder

    • Convolutional Codes, Viterbi Decoder

    • Finite Fields, Cyclic Codes (BCH codes)

    • Polar and Reed Muller Codes (time permitting)

  • References

    • Error Control Codes (NPTEL course) by Prof. P. Vijay Kumar.

    • Cary Huffmann and Vera Pless: Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes, Cambridge University Press, 2003

    • Tom Richardson and Ruediger Urbanke: Modern Coding Theory Cambridge University Press, 2008.

    • Will add links to any additional references as course progresses