J. Tanguturi and Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Module Power Balancing Mechanism for a Single-phase Single-stage Grid-connected Photovoltaic Cascaded H-bridge Inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Accepted for publication).
J. Tanguturi and Sivakumar. Keerthipati, "Power Balancing Strategy for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter in a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Under Asymmetrical Operating Conditions," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (early access) doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3292869.
B Prathap Reddy, Atif Iqbal, Syed Rahman, Mohammad Meraj, Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Dynamic Modelling and Control of Pole Phase Modulation based Multiphase Induction Motor Drives," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 3383-3394, June 2022, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3062216.
K. Jitendra Babu, V. Janaki Ramaiah, and Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Operational strategy of nine-phase induction machine under the open-switch fault condition," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems . 2021:e13219. DOI:10.1002/2050-7038.13219
B. Prathap Reddy, Atif Iqbal, Siva Kumar Keerthipati, et al.,, "Performance Enhancement of PPMIM Drives by using 3 Three-Phase Four Leg Inverters," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 2516-2526, May-June 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2021.3059597.
V. Janaki Ramaiah and Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Octadecagonal SVPWM Controlled Nine-Phase Induction Machine Drive for High Power Applications", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. 2021, 31(11):e13123. DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.13123
Ravikumar, BV, Sivakumar, K, Karunanidhi, S. "Design of a high power density Halbach BLDC motor for an electric vehicle propulsion". Int Trans Electr Energ Syst. 2021; 31:e12869. https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.12869.
Madhukar R A, B. Prathap Reddy, Sahoo, M, Keerthipati, S, "A multi‐string fault‐tolerant multilevel inverter configuration for off‐grid photovoltaic applications," in International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021; e12803. Doi: 10.1002/2050-7038.12803.
B. Prathap Reddy, Sivkumar Keerthipati and A. Iqbal, "Phase Reconfiguring Technique for Enhancing the Modulation Index of Multilevel Inverter fed 9-Phase IM Drive," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2898-2906, April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.2979565.
B. Prathap Reddy, M. Meraj, A. Iqbal, Sivakumar Keerthipati and M. A. Al-Hitmi, "A Single DC Source-Based 3-Level Inverter Topology for a 4-Pole Open-End Winding 9-Phase PPMIM Drives," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2750-2759, April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.2977570.
B. Prathap Reddy, M. Meraj, A. Iqbal, Sivakumar Keerthipati and S. B. Mahajan, "A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter Scheme for 9- Phase PPMIM Drive by using 3-Phase 5-Leg Inverters," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1895-1904, March 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.2975460
B. P. Reddy and S. Keerthipati, "Multilayer Fractional Slot Pole-Phase Modulated Induction Motor Drives for Traction Applications," in Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 9112-9119, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2958287
B. P. Reddy, J. R. Vemula and S. Keerthipati, "Torque ripple minimisation of switched reluctance motor using sense coils," in IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 614-621, 4 2020, doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2019.0787.
V. Janaki Ramaiah and S. Keerthipati, "Hybrid PWM Scheme for Pole-Phase Modulation Induction Motor Drive Using Carrier-Based Hexagonal and Octadecagonal SVPWM," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 7312-7320, Sept. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2946537.
Battu Prakash Reddy, B. Prathap Reddy, K. Siva Kumar, "A Sense Winding System and Dynamic Current Profiling to Reduce Torque Ripples of SRM" in International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2020. doi:10.1002/2050-7038.12261
B. Prathap Reddy and K. Sivakumar, "Linear Modulation Range and Torque Ripple Profile Improvement of PPMIM Drives," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 12120-12127, Dec. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2907782B
B Prathap Reddy, K. Sivakumar, "A Multilevel Inverter Configuration for an Open-End-Winding Pole-Phase-Modulated-Multiphase Induction Motor Drive Using Dual Inverter Principle," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 3035-3044, April 2018. doi: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750626.
M. R. Airineni and S. Keerthipati, "DC offset minimisation of three-phase multilevel inverter configuration under fault and DC link voltage unbalance conditions," in IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 293-301, 2 20 2018. doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2017.0128
M. Sahoo and S. Keerthipati, "Fault tolerant three-level boost inverter with reduced source and LC count," in IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 399-405, 2 20 2018. doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2017.0085
B Prathap Reddy, Madhukar Rao A, Manoranjan Sahoo, Sivakumar K, "A Fault-Tolerant Multilevel Inverter for Improving the Performance of a Pole–Phase Modulated Nine-Phase Induction Motor Drive," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 1107-1116, Feb. 2018. doi: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2733474.
B. V. Ravi Kumar, K. Sivakumar, Y. Srinivas Rao and S. Karunanidhi, "Design of a New Electromagnetic Brake for Actuator Locking Mechanism in Aerospace Vehcile," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2017. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2707242
M. Sahoo and Sivakumar K, "A Three-Level LC-Switching-Based Voltage Boost NPC Inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 2876-2883, April 2017
B. S. Umesh and K. Sivakumar, "Pole-Phase Modulated Multiphase Induction Motor Drive With Reduced Torque Ripple and Improved DC Link Utilization," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 7862-7869, Oct. 2017
B. S. Umesh and K. Sivakumar, "Dual-Inverter-Fed Pole-Phase Modulated Nine-Phase Induction Motor Drive With Improved Performance," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 5376-5383, Sept. 2016
B. S. Umesh and K. Sivakumar, "Multilevel Inverter Scheme for Performance Improvement of Pole-Phase-Modulated Multiphase Induction Motor Drive," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 2036-2043, April 2016
Kiran Kumar N, Sivakumar K, “UPSC SVPWM controlled multi-level inverter topology for multiple pole-pair induction motor drive for minimising torque ripple,” IET power electronics, Vol.9,no.6,pp.1306-1314, May 2016.
Kiran Kumar N and K. Sivakumar, "A Fault-Tolerant Dual Three-Level Inverter Configuration for Multipole Induction Motor Drive With Reduced Torque Ripple," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1450-1457, March 2016.
Madhukar Rao A and K. Sivakumar, "A Fault-Tolerant Single-Phase Five-Level Inverter for Grid-Independent PV Systems,"IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 7569-7577, Dec. 2015.
Kiran Kumar, N.; Sivakumar, K., "A Quad Two-Level Inverter Configuration for Four-Pole Induction-Motor Drive with Single DC Link," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.62, no.1, pp.105-112, Jan. 2015.
Somasekhar, V.T.; Venugopal Reddy, B.; Sivakumar, K., "A Four-Level Inversion Scheme for a 6 n -Pole Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive for an Improved DC-Link Utilization," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.61, no.9, pp.4565,4572, Sept. 2014
P. P. Rajeevan, K. Sivakumar, K. Gopakumar, C. Patel and H. Abu-Rub, "A Nine-Level Inverter Topology for Medium-Voltage Induction Motor Drive With Open-End Stator Winding," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 3627-3636, Sept. 2013.
K. Sivakumar, A. Das, R. Ramchand, C. Patel, K. Gopakumar, "A Five Level Inverter Scheme for a Four Pole Induction Motor Drive by Feeding the Identical Voltage Profile Windings from Both Sides", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 2776-2784, Aug. 2010.
K. Sivakumar, A. Das, R. Ramchand, C. Patel, K. Gopakumar, "A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter Topology for an Open-end winding Induction Motor Drive Using Two-Level Inverters in series with a Capacitor fed H-Bridge Cell, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3707-3714, Nov. 2010.
K.Sivakumar, Rijil Ramchand, Anadarup das, Chintan Patel, K.Gopakumar, "Two different Schemes for Three-level Voltage Space Vector Generation for Induction Motor drives with Reduced DC-Link Voltage , EPE( European power electronics journal), vol.20, no.1, pp. 5-12, March2010.
Sivakumar. K, De. S, Gopakumar. K, Mondal. G, Corzine. K, "Neutral-point balancing of neutral-pointclamped three-level inverter with a front end switched rectifier dc source for the full modulation range," IET Power Electronics, vol.2, no.5, pp.527-534, Sept. 2009
Rajeevan, P.P.; Sivakumar, K.; Patel, C.; Ramchand, R.; Gopakumar, K.; , "A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for Induction Motor Drive Using Two-Level Inverters and Floating Capacitor Fed H-Bridges," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.26, no.6, pp.1733-1740, June 2011
A. Das, K. Sivakumar, R. Ramchand, C. Patel, K. Gopakumar, "A Combination of Hexagonal and 12-Sided Polygonal Voltage Space Vector PWM Control for IM Drives Using Cascaded Two-Level Inverters," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1657-1664, May 2009.
G. Mondal, K. Sivakumar, R. Ramchand, K. Gopakumar, E. Levi, "A Dual Seven-Level Inverter Supply for an Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1665-1673, May 2009.
A Das, K Sivakumar, R Ramchand, C Patel, K Gopakumar, "A Pulse Width Modulated Control of Induction Motor Drive Using Multilevel 12-Sided Polygonal Voltage Space Vectors," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Volume 56, Issue 7, July 2009 Page(s):2441 - 2449
Gopal Mondal, Rijil Ramchand, F.Sheron, K. Sivakumar and K.Gopakumar, "A DC-link Capacitor Voltage Balancing with CMV Elimination using only the Switching State Redundancies for a Reduced Switch Count Multi-Level Inverter fed IM Drive , EPE( European power electronics journal),Vol.19,N0.1, March-2009
Somasekhar, V.T.; Srinivas, S.; Prakash Reddy, B.; Nagarjuna Reddy, C.; Sivakumar, K, "Pulse width-modulated switching strategy for the dynamic balancing of zero-sequence current for a dual-inverter fed open-end winding induction motor drive IET Electric Power Applications, Volume 1, Issue 4, July 2007 Page(s):591 600.
Sheron. F, K. Sivakumar, A. Das, R. Ramchand, C. Patel, K. Gopakumar, "A Five-level inverter scheme for an open- end winding Induction machine drive with less number of switches , IET power electronics, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 637-647, July 2010.
R. Ramchand, K. Sivakumar, A. Das, C. Patel, K. Gopakumar "Improved Switching Frequency Variation Control of Hysteresis Controlled VSI Fed IM Drives Using Current Error Space Vector IET power electronics, Vol.3,No.2,pp.219-231,March 2010.
Chintan Patel,Rijil Ramchand, K.Sivakumar, Anandarup Das, Gopakumar.K, "A rotor flux estimation during zero and active vector periods using current error space vector from a hysteresis controller for a sensorless vector control of IM drive , IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics,Vol.58,No.6,June 2011
De, S.; Banerjee, D.; Siva Kumar, K.; Gopakumar, K.; Ramchand, R.; Patel, C.; , "Multilevel inverters for low-power application," Power Electronics, IET, vol.4, no.4, pp.384-392, April 2011
Ramchand, R.; Gopakumar, K; Patel, C.; Sivakumar, K.; Das, A.; Abu-Rub, H.; , "Online Computation of Hysteresis Boundary for Constant Switching Frequency Current-Error Space-Vector-Based Hysteresis Controller for VSI-Fed IM Drives," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.27, no.3, pp.1521-1529, March 2012
Jitendra Tanguturi, K Sivakumar, “Power Injection Method to Diminish Power Imbalance in a Modular Multilevel Cascaded H-bridge Inverter Fed Single Phase Grid-connected PV System”, PEDES 2022- IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2022
Keerthana S, Janaki Ramaiah V, Jitendra T, Jitendra Babu K, K Sivakumar, “Multilevel Inverter Topology with Dodecagonal Space Vector PWM for Induction Motor Drives”, PEDES 2022- IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2022.
Jitendra Babu Kummari, Janaki Ramaiah V, K Sivakumar, “Fault Tolerance of the Neutral Point Clamped based Inverter Driven Nine Phase Induction Machine under Switch Fault Condition”, PEDES 2022- IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2022.
Jitendra Tanguturi, Satendra Kumar and Sivakumar Keerthipati, “Power Balancing with Zero Sequence Voltage Injection Method for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter Fed Grid-Connected PV System,” 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), Singapore, Singapore, 2022, pp. 454-458, doi: 10.1109/ISGTAsia54193.2022.10003532.
Tanguturi Jitendra and K. Siva Kumar, “Optimization based Approach to Improve Power Extraction in a Single Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic System”, NPEC 2021 - National Power electronics conference, Bhubaneswar, India, 2021
Battu Prakash Reddy, Janaki Ramaiah V, K. Siva Kumar, "Torque ripple minimization of SRM using sense coils and FPGA," PESGRE 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Kochi, India, 2020
Jitendra Babu Kummari, Janaki Ramaiah V, Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Fault-Tolerance of the Nine-Phase Induction Machine under the Open-Switch Fault Condition," PESGRE 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Kochi, India, 2020
Janaki Ramaiah V, Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Performance Improvement of a Nine-Phase Induction Machine using Octadecagonal SVPWM Control Technique," PESGRE 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Kochi, India, 2020.
Battu Prakash Reddy, B. Prathap Reddy, K Siva Kumar, "Asymmetrical 7-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter for Switch Reluctance Motors," PESGRE 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020), Kochi, India, 2020.
B. Prathap Reddy, Atif Iqbal, Siva Kumar .K, etc.,, " Performance Enhancement of PPMIM Drives by using 3 Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverters," 2019 International Conference on Power Electronics, Control and Automation (ICPECA), New Delhi, India, 2019, pp. 1-6.
V Janaki Ramaiah, Jitendra Babu Kummari, and Sivakumar Keerthipati, "Operation of Nine-Phase Induction Machine under Single-Phase Open-Winding Fault Condition using Dodecagonal SVPWM and Hexagonal SVPWM," IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019, pp. 3231-3236. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927037
V Janaki Ramaiah and S. Keerthipati, "An Improved SVPWM Control Technique to Reduce Winding Losses of 9-Phase Induction Motor," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 2610-2615. DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929416
B. V. Ravi Kumar, K. Sivakumar and S. Karunanidhi, "A new Dual Stator-Dual Rotor Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric vehicle propulsion," IEEE PEDES 2018 – 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) IIT Madras, India 2018
V Janaki Ramaiah, K Siva Kumar K, "A Single-Phase 5-Level Inverter Topology with Reduced Semiconductor Switches," IEEE PEDES 2018 – 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) IIT Madras, India 2018
B. Prathap Reddy and K. Siva Kumar, " Torque Ripple Minimization of PPMIM Drives with Phase-Shifted Carrier PWM," IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,Washington, DC, USA, 2018, pp. 725-730
B. Prathap Reddy and K. Siva Kumar, " Distributed Short-Pitch Winding for Multi-Phase Pole-Phase Modulated Induction Motor Drives," IEEE PEDES 2018 – 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) IIT Madras, India 2018
B. Prathap Reddy and K. Siva Kumar, "Fractional-slot winding pattern for pole-phase modulated multiphase multi-speed induction motor drives," IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, 2017, pp. 6603-6606
Battu Prakash Reddy, Ashwin Murali, K. Siva Kumar “A Low Cost Sense Coil based Position Sensing System for SRM Implemented in a SoC FPGA”, IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, 2017
G.Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, B. Prathap Reddy and K. Siva Kumar, ”Design Constraints of Multiphase Induction Motor Drives for Electric Vehicles”, National Power electronics conference (NPEC), College of engineering, Pune, 2017 Dec. 18-20.
B. V. R. Kumar, K. Sivakumar and S. Karunanidhi, "A novel configuration of regenerative braking system to improve the energy efficiency of an electric vehicle with Dual¬Stator Dual-Rotor BLDC motor”, 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), Pune, India, 2017, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ITEC-India.2017.8333858.
B. V. Ravi Kumar, K. Sivakumar, K. M. Reddy and S. Karunanidhi, "A new fault tolerant dual rotor BLDC drive for electro-mechanical actuator in more electric aircraft applications”,2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), Pune, India, 2017, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ITEC-India.2017.8356944.
Parth Sarthi, A. Madhukar Rao and K. Sivakumar, "Analysis for Optimal Distribution of PV Panels & Batteries in Multilevel Inverters”, National Power electronics conference (NPEC), College of engineering, Pune, 2017 Dec. 18-20.
B. Prathap Reddy and K. Siva Kumar, ”A Three-level Inverter Configuration for Pole-Phase Modulated Nine-Phase Induction Motor Drives with Single DC Link”, National Power electronics conference (NPEC), College of engineering, Pune, 2017 Dec. 18-20.
B. Prathap Reddy, B. S. Umesh, Madhukar Rao A, Ravi Kumar B V and K. Siva Kumar, “A Five speed 45-Phase Induction motor Drive with Pole Phase Modulation for Electric Vehicles” in proc. IEEE ICIT, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 22-25, 2017
B. V. R. Kumar and K. Sivakumar, "Design of a new switched-stator BLDC drive to improve the energy efficiency of an electric vehicle," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Toronto, ON, 2017, pp. 532-537.
Madhukar Rao A, M. Sahoo and Siva Kumar K, “A three phase five level inverter with fault tolerant and energy balancing capability for photovoltaic applications”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), 2016, Trivandrum, India.
B. V. R. Kumar and K. S. Kumar, “Design of a new Dual Rotor Radial Flux BLDC motor with Halbach array magnets for an electric vehicle”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), 2016, Trivandrum, India.
M. Sahoo and Siva Kumar K, "A single source fed three level voltage boost NPC inverter with reduced LC count," IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 2016, pp. 3190-3195
B. S Umesh, K Sivakumar and A Madhukar Rao “Pole-Phase Modulated Multiphase Induction Motor Drive with Improved Dc Link Utilization” in proc. IECON, Florence, Italy Oct.24-27, 2016
A Madhukar Rao , K Sivakumar and B. S Umesh, “Multilevel Inverter Configuration for Standalone Photovoltaic Generation System Using Three phase Two-Level Inverters” in proc. IECON, Florence, Italy Oct.24-27, 2016.
Umesh B.S. and Sivakumar K. “Generation of Multilevel Voltage Profile for Torque Ripple Reduction of a 15 Phase Pole-Phase Modulated Induction Motor Drive Using Two-level Inverter Structure” ICIT-2016, taipei, taiwan.
Manoranjan Sahoo, Siva Kumar K and Madhukar Rao Airineni, “A Three Level NPC LC-Switched Voltage Source Inverter”, National Power electronics conference (NPEC), IIT Bombay, 2015 Dec.21-23
A. M. Rao and K. Sivakumar, "Five level single phase inverter scheme with fault tolerance for islanded photovoltaic applications," 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Chiang Mai, 2015, pp. 194-199.
Umesh B S, KiranKumar N., Siva kumar K, “Performance Improvement of A Nine Phase Pole Phase Modulated Induction Motor Drive”, International conference IEEE ICIT, Seville, Spain, 2015.
Madhukar Rao A., KiranKumar N., Sivakumar K., “A Multi-level Inverter Configuration for 4n Pole Induction Motor Drive by Using Conventional Two- Level Inverters” International conference IEEE ICIT , Seville, Spain, 2015.
Umesh B.S., Sivakumar K.,"Multiphase induction motor drive with 1:3:9:15 speed ratios for gear free electric vehicle application" 7th International Conference IEEE ICIAFS, Sri Lanka, Dec 2014. (Best Paper Award)
Manoranjan Sahoo, Siva Kumar K, “High Gain Step Up DC-DC Converter For DC Micro-Grid Application”, 7th International Conference IEEE ICIAFS, Sri Lanka, Dec 2014.
KiranKumar N, Umesh B.S., Sivakumar K., “A Five-level Inverter Topology for Four Pole Induction Motor Drive Using Four Two-level inverters and Two Isolated DC Sources” 5th International Conference IEEE PEDES, Dec 2014.
Meher Uppaluri, Sivakumar K and Madhukar Rao A. “Effective Utilization of Battery Banks in Multilevel inverters for a Residential Photovoltaic Application”, 5th International Conference IEEE PEDES, Dec 2014
Sahoo, M.; Kumar, K.S., "Bidirectinal switched boost converter for AC-DC hybrid microgrid," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2014 Twenty-Ninth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.2231,2236, 16-20 March 2014.
Umesh,B.S.;Sivakumar,K, "15 phase induction motor drive with 1:3:5 speed ratios using 12 phase modulation" international power electronics conference (IPEC), Hiroshima Japan 2014.
U, Meher Kalyan; K, Sivakumar, "Switching panels for complete utilisation of battery banks in multi-level inverters for PV systems," 14th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), pp.91,96, 10-12 May 2014.
Nallamekala, K.K.; Kalyan U, M.; Sivakumar, K., "Harmonic reduction technique with a five-level inverter for four pole induction motor drive," 1st InternationalFuture Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), vol., no., pp.482,487, 3-6 Nov. 2013.
Madhukar Rao, A.; Umesh, B.S.; Sivakumar, K., "A fault tolerant dual inverter configuration for islanded mode photovoltaic generation system," 1st International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), vol., no., pp.816,821, 3-6 Nov. 2013.
Manoranjan Sahoo,; Sivakumar K, "Bidirectional Switched Boost Converter for three phase AC-DC hybrid Microgrid", 6th National Power Electronics Conference 2013, December 20-23, 2013, IIT Kanpur ..
Nallmekala, K.K.; Sivakumar, K., "A five-level inverter topology for four pole induction motor drive with single DC link,"Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2012 11th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.84,89, 18-25 May 2012
K. Sivakumar, Sukumar De, K.Gopakumar, Gopal Mondal, Keith Corzine, "A Front end switched rectifier DC source for neutral point balancing of a NPC three -level inverter for the full modulation range , IEEE ISIE-2008, conf in Cambridge ,June-30 to July-2.
Anandarup Das, K. Sivakumar, Rijil Ramchand, Chintan Patel, K.Gopakumar, "A High Resolution pulse wisdth modulation technique using concentric multilevel Dodecagonal voltage space vector structures , IEEE, ISIE-2009, conf. in Seoul, South Korea.
K. Sivakumar, Anandarup Das, Rijil Ramchand, Chintan Patel, K.Gopakumar, "A Simple Five-Level Inverter Topology for Induction Motor Drive Using Conventional Two-Level Inverters and Flying Capacitor Technique , IEEE IECON 2009, 3-5 November 2009 at Porto, Portugal.
K. Sivakumar, Anandarup Das, Rijil Ramchand, Chintan Patel, K.Gopakumar, "A Three Level Voltage Space Vector Generation for Open End Winding IM Using Single Voltage Source Driven Dual Two-Level Inverter , IEEE TENCON 2009, 23-26 November 2009 at Singapore.
Rijil Ramchand, Anandarup Das, K.Sivakumar, Chintan Patel, K.Gopakumar, "A Hysteresis PWM Controller with constant switching frequency for two level VSI fed drives with operation extending to the six -step mode , PCIM-Europe-2009, conf in Nurenberg, Germany, May-11 to 13.
Anandarup Das, K. Sivakumar, Rijil Ramchand, Chintan Patel, K. Gopakumar, "Multilevel Dodecagonal Space Vector Generation for Open-end Winding Induction Motor Drive Using Conventional Three Level Inverters EPE conf. 8-10 September, 2009. Barcelona, Spain
Anandarup Das, K. Sivakumar, Gopal Mondal, K.Gopakumar "A multilevel inverter with hexagonal and 12-sided polygonal space vector structure for induction motor drive ,IEEE IECON-2008, conf in Orlando, USA .
Sheron Figarado, K.Gopakumar, Gopal Mondal, K.Sivakumar, N.S Dinesh, "Three-level inverter fed open-end winding IM drive with common mode voltage elimination and reduced power devise count , The 33rd annual conference of the IEEE Industrial electronics society( IECON), Nov.5-8, 2007,Taipei, Taiwan.
Rijil Ramchand, Chintan Patel, Anandarup Das, Sivakumar K,Gopakumar K, "A Current Error Space Vector Based Hysteresis Controller with Constant Switching Frequency and Simple Online boundary Computation for VSI fed IM Drive , IECON-2010,Phoenix,USA.
Rajeevan P. P., Rijil Ramchand, K. Sivakumar, Chintan Patel, K. Gopakumar, "A Hybrid Seven-level Inverter for IM Drive , PEDES 2010 and 2010 Power India Conference, New Delhi, India, 20-23 December 2010.
A Hybrid Nine-level Inverter for IM Drive Rajeevan P.P,Gopakumar K, Sivakumar K, Chintan Patel, Gopakumar K, Abu-Rub Haitham,ISIE-2011,Gdansk,Poland.
K.Sivakumar, K.Gopakumar and V.T Somasekhar, "DC link capacitor balancing of NPC inverter using switched voltage source for the full modulation range , National Power electronics conference, 2007, INDIA.
Chintan Patel, Rijil Ramchand, K. Sivakumar, Anandarup Das, K. Gopakumar, "A Vector Control for Induction Motor Drives using Current Error Space Phasor based Hysteresis Controller without Speed Sensor ,National Power Electronics Conference NPEC 2010 held at Indian Institute of Science, Roorkee, India, 10-13 June 2010, pp. 1-10.