Google Scholar Profile

Refereed International journals

  1. Shivendra Nath Tiwari, & Detroja K. P. (2024), Flexibility modeling and autopilot design of interceptor missile using multiple sensing, Franklin Open, 9, 100184.
  2. Shubham Khandelwal, & Detroja K. P. (2020), The optimal detuning approach based centralized control design for MIMO processes, Journal of Process Control, 96, 23-36.
  3. P. Dimple Raja, & Detroja K. P. (2020), Optimal design of energy sources and reverse osmosis desalination plant with demand side management for cost-effective freshwater production, Desalination, 496, 114741.
  4. K. Subhash Babu, & Detroja K. P. (2020), Distributed State Estimation through Co-acting Kalman Filters, Asian Journal of Control, 23(5), 2495-2506.
  5. P. Dimple Raja, & Detroja K. P. (2019), An integrated framework for optimal planning and operation schedule of microgrid under uncertainty, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 19, 100232.
  6. K. Subhash Babu, & Detroja K. P. (2019), Inverse Free Kalman filter using Approximate Inverse of Diagonally Dominant Matrices, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 3(1), 120-125.
  7. Detroja K. P. (2016), Optimal Autonomous Microgrid Operation : A Holistic View, Applied Energy, 173, 320-330.
  8. Sumana C., Detroja K. P. and Gudi R. D. (2012), Evaluation of Nonlinear Scaling and Transformation for Nonlinear Process Fault Detection, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 4(1-2), 52-66.
  9. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D., & Patwardhan S. C. (2012), Data Reduction Algorithm Based on Principle of Distributional Equivalence for Fault Diagnosis, Con. Eng. Prac., 20(10), 1033-1042.
  10. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D. & Patwardhan S. C. (2007), Plant-wide Detection and Diagnosis using Correspondence Analysis, Con. Eng. Prac., 15(12), 1468-1483.
  11. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D., Patwardhan S. C. & Roy K. (2006), Fault Detection and Isolation using Correspondence Analysis, Ind. & Eng. Che. Res., 45(1), 223-235.
  12. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D. & Patwardhan S. C. (2006), A Possibilistic Clustering Approach to Novel Fault Detection and Isolation, J. of. Process Control, 16, 1055-1073.

Refereed International conferences

  1. Kranthi Kumar Pasagadugula & Detroja K. P. (2024), Gain Scheduled PI controller design using Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Conference onAdvances in Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control, Almería, Spain.
  2. Suresh Aldhandi & Detroja K. P. (2024), ETF dead-time compensation based multiloop control approach for multivariable processes, Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Conference onAdvances in Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control, Almería, Spain.
  3. Kranthi Kumar Pasagadugula & Detroja K. P. (2023), Design of Reinforcement Learning based PI controller for nonlinear Multivariable System, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC-2023), Bucharest, Romania.
  4. Kranthi Kumar Pasagadugula & Detroja K. P. (2022), Parameterized Adaptive Controller Design using Reinforcement Learning and Deep Neural Networks, Proceedings of The Eight Indian Control Conference (ICC-8), Madras, India.
  5. Suresh Aldhandi & Detroja K. P. (2022), Controller design for highly interacting multivariable systems, Proceedings of The Eight Indian Control Conference (ICC-8), Madras, India.
  6. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2020), K-Adj Dynamic Decoupling for Multivariable Processes, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Denver, USA.
  7. P. Dimple Raja, & Detroja K. P. (2020), Cost-effective scheduling of renewable energy based desalination plant with co-operative DSM, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020), Kerala, India.
  8. Shubham Khandelwal, Suresh Aldhandi & Detroja K. P. (2019), Centralized Control with Decoupling Approach for Large Scale Multivariable Processes, Proc of the 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TenCon), Kerala, India.
  9. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2019), Detuning Iterative Continuous Cycling based Multi-loop PI control for multivariable processes, Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), New Zealand.
  10. Subhash Babu Kanagala & Detroja K. P. (2019), Generalized Inverse Free Kalman filter using Approximate Inverse of Block Diagonally Dominant Matrices, Proceedings of the 2019 Sixth Indian Control Conference (ICC).
  11. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2019), Control design for dual mode operation in large scale multivariable systems, Proceedings of the 2019 Sixth Indian Control Conference (ICC), Hyderabad, India.
  12. Shubham Khandelwal, Suresh Aldhandi & Detroja K. P. (2019), Decoupling control with ETF based GPM tuning for multivariable processes, Proceedings of the fifth Indian Control Conference, Delhi, India
  13. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2018), Generalized framework for decoupler design, Proceedings of the 2018 Indian Control Conference, Kanpur, India
  14. K. Subhash Babu & Detroja K. P. (2018), Low Complexity Block Distributed Kalman Filtering for Interacting Systems, Proceedings of the 2018 Indian Control Conference (ICC 2018), Kanpur, India.
  15. P. Dimple Raja & Detroja K. P. (2018), Optimal Sizing of PV Panels and Battery for Grid Connected Load under Dynamic Pricing, Proceedings of the 2018 Indian Control Conference (ICC 2018), Kanpur, India
  16. Neilay Khanshabish & Detroja K. P. (2018), A Stochastic Resampling Based Selective Particle Filter for Visual Object Tracking, Proceedings of the 2018 Indian Control Conference (ICC 2018), Kanpur, India
  17. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2017), Optimal Detuning Parameter Design for Decentralized Control of MIMO Processes, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TenCon), Penang, Malaysia.
  18. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2017), Simplified Decoupling based control for processes having complex EOTF dynamics, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Toronto, Canada.
  19. Shubham Khandelwal & Detroja K. P. (2017), Controlled Power Point Tracking for Autonomous Operation of PMSG based Wind Energy Conversion System, Proceedings of the 2017 Indian Control Conference, Guwahati, India.
  20. Shubham Khandelwal, Suresh Aldhandi & Detroja K. P. (2017), Would SISO IMC and SIMC tuning work for MIMO processes?, Proceedings of the 2017 Indian Control Conference, Guwahati, India.
  21. SSSR Sarathbabu Duvvuri & Detroja K. P. (2016), Stator Interturn Fault Diagnostics Relevant Modelling of Squirrel- Cage Induction Motor, Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA.
  22. SSSR Sarathbabu Duvvuri & Detroja K. P. (2016), Model-Based Broken Rotor Bars Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol - 2016), Barcelona, Spain.
  23. P. Dimple Raja & Detroja K. P. (2016), Microgrid Economy Through Optimal Design, Proceedings of the 2nd Indian Control Conference, Hyderabad, India.
  24. SSSR Sarathbabu Duvvuri & Detroja K. P. (2015), Model-Based Stator Interturn Short-circuit Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Induction Motors, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  25. Krishnadas Dhruva R. & Detroja K. P. (2014), Fault Tolerant Power Balancing Strategy in an Isolated Microgrid via Optimization, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
  26. Khandelwal Shubham, Bhugra Nikhil & Detroja K. P. (2014), Controlled Power Point Tracking for Power Balancing in PMSG based Wind Energy Conversion System, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP - 2014), Hiroshima, Japan.
  27. Arora E. & Detroja K. P. (2013), Uneven Length Batch Process Monitoring using Function Space Correspondence Analysis, Proceeding of the International Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS-2013), Mumbai, India. (Best Paper Award)
  28. Jampana P. & Detroja K. P. (2013), Continuous Time Identification in Laplace Domain, Proceeding of the International Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS-2013), Mumbai, India.
  29. Arora E. & Detroja K. P. (2013), Online Monitoring for Uneven Length Batch Process using Function Space Principal Component Analysis, Proceeding of the International Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology (CAB-2013), Mumbai, India.
  30. Detroja K. P. (2013), Nearest Neighbour Based Algorithm for Data Reduction and Fault Diagnosis, Proceedings of the IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC-2013), Hyderabad, India.
  31. Bhugra N. & Detroja K. P. (2013), Sliding Mode Control Based Power Balancing for Grid Connected PV System, Proceedings of the IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC-2013), Hyderabad, India.
  32. Kataria A. & Detroja K. P. (2013), Pattern Matching using Correspondence Analysis, Proceeding of the 2013 American Control Conference (ACC-2013), Washington DC, USA.
  33. Detroja K. P. & Gudi R. D. (2012), Fault Isolability Analysis Based on Steady State Fault Signatures, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC-2012), Venice, Italy.
  34. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D. & Patwardhan S. C. (2011), Data Reduction and Fault Diagnosis using Principle of Distributional Equivalence, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP - 2011), Zhejiang, China. (Best Paper Award)
  35. Detroja K. P., Garge S. C., Gou Q. & Ogunnaike B. A. (2009), Customer Feedback Controller Design and Implementation, AIChE 2009 Annual Meeting, Tennessee, USA.
  36. Khare S. R., Bavdekar V. A., Kadu S. C., Detroja K. P. & Gudi R. D. (2007), Scaling and Discrimination Issues in Monitoring Fault Detection and Diagnosis, 8th International symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS-2007), Cancun, Mexico.
  37. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D. & Patwardhan S. C. (2006), Fault Diagnosis using Correspondence Ayalysis: Implementation Issues and Analysis, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT-2006), Mumbai, India
  38. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D. & Patwardhan S. C. (2006), Fault Detection using Correspondence Analysis: Application to Tennessee Eastman Challenge Problem, IFAC International symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM-06), Gramado, Brazil.
  39. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D. & Patwardhan S. C. (2006), Diagnosis of Faults with Varying Intensities using Possibilistic Clustering and Fault Lines, IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM-06), Gramado, Brazil.
  40. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D., & Patwardhan S. C. (2005), Fault Detection and Isolation using Correspondence Analysis, 16th IFAC world congress, Prague.
  41. Barve J. J. & Detroja K. P. (2001), Embedded Simulation of FOPTD and Second Order Systems, presented at the international conference on Control, Instrumentation and Information Communication (CIIC-2001), Kolkata, India.
  42. Barve J. J. & Detroja K. P. (2001), Embedded Simulation of Uncertain FOPTD System, presented at International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control (ICQRC-2001), Mumbai, India.

Refereed National conferences

  1. S. Sandeep Kumar, Kumar Abhinav & Detroja K. P. (2016), Fuzzy logic based cell selection framework for downlink uplink decoupled cellular networks, Proceedings of the 22nd National Conference on Communications (NCC 2016), Guwahati, India.
  2. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D., & Patwardhan S. C. (2010), On the Principle of Distributional Equivalence Towards Enhanced Fault Diagnosis, Proceedings of Chemcon - 2010, Tamilnadu, India.
  3. Detroja K. P., Gudi R. D., & Patwardhan S. C. (2005), Analysis of Discrimination Methods for Fault Detection and Diagnosis, presented at National Conference on Control and Dynamic Systems-2005 (NCCDS-05), Mumbai, India.