Playing music with the manual scavenging community converted to Dalit Avataris - singing songs of liberation from oppression Dr. Sushrut Jadhav* is Senior Lecturer in Cross-cultural Psychiatry, UCL; Consultant Psychiatrist at Focus Camden Homeless Outreach Services, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; Co-director of UCL Cultural Consultation Service for Staff & Students, and Founding Editor, Anthropology and Medicine journal (Taylor & Francis, UK).
His current teaching and research interests focus on mental health at the margins across cultures, with a focus on India. Dr. Jadhav pioneered the Bloomsbury Cultural Formulation Interview, a clinical ethnographic technique to better engage with people suffering from mental illness across cultures. He is also Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, SOAS, London, UK *Disclaimer: Dr Jadhav is teaching in a private capacity for this course and not representing UCL