Venku Naidu, D.
Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.

About Me  Teaching  Research  Publications  Students  Awards  Notes               IITH  Mathematics Dept

#Journal Publications

  • 26. Von-Neumann algebra of analytic functions on the unit ball. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 539 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 128558. (with Mohan Pinlodi)

  • 25. Application of Bargmann transform in the study of affine heat kernel transform. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. 15 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 38. (with Partha Sarathi Patra, Shubham R. Bais)

  • 24. Integral representation of angular operators on the Bergman space over the upper half-plane. New York J. Math. 30 (2024), 42–57. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 23. A Characterization of Translation and Modulation Invariant Hilbert Space of Tempered Distributions. Arch. Math. (Basel) 122 (2024), no. 4, 429–436. (with Shubham R. Bais, P. Mohan)

  • 22. Integral representation of radial operators on the Bergman space over the unit disc. . J. Math. Anal. Appl. 531 (2024), no. 1, part 2, Paper No. 127885, 13pp. (with Mohan Pinlodi)

  • 21. A Note on C^*-algebra of Toeplitz operators with L-invariant symbols. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. 17 (2023), no. 6, Paper No. 99, 18 pp. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 20. On the C-Polar decomposition of operators and applications. Monatshefte für Mathematik. Accepted for publication. (with G. Ramesh, Sudip Ranjan Bhuia)

  • 19. Vertical Operators on the Bergman Space over the Upper Half-Plane. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 361 (2023), 1593–1604. (with Shubham R. Bais, Pinlodi Mohan)

  • 18. L-invariant and Radial Singular Integral Operators on the Fock Space. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. , 14 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 11, 35 pp. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 17. Cyclic Composition operators on Segal-Bargmann Space. Concr. Oper., 9 (2022), no. 1, 127–138. (with G. Ramesh, Sudip Ranjan Bhuia)

  • 16. A Representation of compact C-normal Operators. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 71 (2023), no. 9, 1565–1577. (with G. Ramesh, Sudip Ranjan Bhuia)

  • 15. Cartesian decomposition of C-normal operators. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), no. 21, 6640–6647. (with G. Ramesh, Sudip Ranjan Bhuia)

  • 14. Study of twisted Bargmann transform via Bargmann transform. Forum Math. 33 (2021), no. 6, 1659–1670. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 13. Hardy's theorem and rotation for Dunkl transform; Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 66 (2021), no. 1, 71–83. (with Partha Sarathi Patra)

  • 12. On absolutely norm attaining operators; Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 129 (2019), no. 4. (with G. Ramesh)

  • 11. Images of some subspaces of L2(Rm) under Grushin and Hermite semigroup. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. 9 (2018), no. 2, 247–264. (with Partha Sarathi Patra)

  • 10. Benedicks' theorem for the Weyl transform associated with the Heisenberg group. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 29 (2018), no. 6, 442–449.(with Partha Sarathi Patra, C. Sivaramakrishnan)

  • 9. Lp-L2 estimates for solutions of the wave equation associated to the Grushin operator. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 9 (2017), no. 2, 85–92. (with S. Thangavelu)

  • 8. On the images of Dunk-Sobolev spaces under Schrodinger semigroup associated to Dunkl operators, J. Pseudo-Di er. Oper. Appl. (2017). Doi: (with D. Sukumar, C. Sivaramakrishnan)

  • 7. On the images of Sobolev spaces under Schrodinger semigroup, Adv. Pure Appl. Math. ISSN (Online) 1869-6090, ISSN (Print) 1867-1152. Doi: (with D. Sukumar, C. Sivaramakrishnan)

  • 6. Uniqueness of solutions to Schrödinger equations on H-type groups. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 95 (2013), no. 3, 297–314. (with S. Ben Saïd, S. Thangavelu)

  • 5. On the images of Sobolev spaces under the heat kernel transform on the Heisenberg group. Math. Nachr. 286 (2013), no. 13, 1337–1352. (with R. Radha and S. Thangavelu)

  • 4. Generalized Bargmann transform and a group representation. Bull. Sci. Math. 135 (2011), no. 2, 206–214.(with R. Radha)

  • 3. Frames in generalized Fock spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), no. 1, 140–150.(with R. Radha)

  • 2. Fourier multipliers for Sobolev spaces on the Heisenberg group. Anal. Math. 36 (2010), no. 1, 51–70.(with Jitendriya Swain and R. Radha)

  • 1. Image of Lp(Rn) under the Hermite semigroup. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2008, Art. ID 287218, 13 pp.(with R. Radha)

    #Communicated research papers

  • 5. Characterisation of Nilpotent-type multipliers on A^2(D^n). (with Mohan P)

  • 4. Quasi-radial operators on the Fock space and C^*-algebras of entire functions. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 3. Characterization of quasi-parabolic operators and their integral representation. (with Shubham R. Bais, Mohan P)

  • 2. Integral representations of vertical and angular operators on the weighted Bergman space over the upper half-plane. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 1. Characterisation of translations invariant space in T^p(H). (with Bhwana D, Sivananthan S)

    #Research papers under preparation.

  • 6. Integral representation of Singular integral operators on Harmonic Bergman space and von-Neumann algebra of Harmonic functions (with Ankush Sonu)

  • 5. Integral representation of translation-invariant operators in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (with Shubham R. Bais, Egor A. Maximenko)

  • 4. C^*- algebra of quasi-hyperbolic operators on the weighted Bergman space on the Segal Domain. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 3. C^*- algebra of singular integral operators on the Dunkl Fock space. (with C. Sivaramakrishnan)

  • 2. Characterization of translation and modulation invariant Banach spaces. (with Shubham R. Bais)

  • 1. Boundedness and Compactness of linear combination of Compositions operators. (with G. Ramesh and Sudip Ranjan B)

    Last updated on 13th June, 2024