CS2443 Algorithms (Jan-May 2020)

Undergraduate algorithms course.

Lecture timings: 11:00-11:55 on Mondays, 10:00-10.55 on Wednesdays and 9:00-9:55 on Thursdays.

Venue: A-LH2

  1. Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos.
  2. Algorithms by Jeff Erickson (A free copy available here for personal use)
  3. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.


  1. 02/01 : Lectute 1: Introduction to algorithms, Integer multiplication, Long multiplication algorithm
  2. 06/01 : Lectute 2: Kartsuba Maltiplication and solving its recurrence relation using recurrence tree method
  3. 08/01 : Lecture 3: Asymptotic notations, solving recurrence relations: Domian and range transformation.
  4. 09/01 : Lecture 4: Solving recurrence relations: recurrence tree method, and substitution method; and master theorem
  5. 13/01 : Lecture 5: Divide and conquer, Merge sort
  6. 16/01 : Lecture 6: Quick sort, worst case running time, best case running time, choosing pivot
  7. 20/01 : Lecture 7: Finding kth smallest element in linear time and improving the worstcase running time of Quick sort
  8. 22/01 : Lecture 8: Insertion sort, Counting sort and radix sort
  9. 23/01 : Lecture 9: Backtracking algorithms: Subset sum and text segmentation
  10. 27/01 : Lecture 10: Dynamic programming (DP): Text Segmentation and Subset Sum
  11. 29/01 : Lecture 11: Longest Increasing subsequence (Backtracking and DP)
  12. 30/01 : Lecture 12: Edit Distance
  13. 03/02 : Lecture 13: Edit Distance (continued)
  14. 05/02 : Examination 1:
  15. 10/02 : Lecture 14: Tutorial
  16. 12/02 : Lecture 15: Recalling graphs, trees, and tree data structure
  17. 17/02 : Lecture 16: Independent set on trees
  18. 19/02 : Lecture 17: Greedy algorithm, Storing files on tape
  19. 24/02 : Lecture 18: Scheduling classes
  20. 26/02 : Lecture 19: Huffman Code
  21. 27/02 : Lecture 20: Huffman Code contd.
  22. 02/03 : Lecture 21: Stable Matching
  23. 04/03 : Lecture 22: Depth First Search (DFS)
  24. 05/03 : Lecture 23: DFS, Cycle detection, topological sort