Academic Honesty

Every student at I.I.T. Hyderabad is expected to behave with honesty and integrity. This is especially relevant in the context of any coursework that carries assessment.

Violation of honesty:

Engaging in unfair practices during quizzes/exams/assignments will result in a failed (FR) grade for that course and a recommendation to the Disciplinary Action Committee to take further action as deemed fit.
The list of unfair practices during exams includes any form of copying, using unauthorized notes or unauthorized help, writing another student's answers, using communication devices, sharing information and looking at another student's work during an exam.

Assignment Policy:

Assignments are opportunities to think independently on the topic being learnt and to practise solving problems.
Thus, assignments are meant to be done individually in the same way as quizzes/exams and the same policies as above apply.
However, you may discuss assignments with fellow students subject to the condition that you do not look at their written solution/code. You are also not allowed to look up solutions to assignments in textbooks or the internet.
In all cases, the actual writing of solutions to assignments must be the own work of each student.